Best way to get information from outside Webcore to charge conditions of a piston?


I am trying to change my morning piston that turns on various lights when my alarm goes off in the morning. I recently got a lawn service that comes one a week, I also have dogs with a doggy door so I have to close the dog door on the days the lawn guys come. Unfortunately it seems to be almost random on the day the guys come. I do get an email from them saying they’ll be out the next day. I can extract that info from my email using Tasker but I’m wondering if there in a way to use that info in Webcore to alter the lights on the morning they come to remind me to close the doggy door? Thank you as always I’m advance!


Create a piston that does the tasks you want and then call that piston’s URL from Tasker. The URL to call is under the Quick Facts of the piston.

Edit: Similar to this…


I see. I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down. Essentially, accessing that URL triggers the piston? If that’s the case I can probably just have a piston that sets a variable which will alter my morning routine to remind me to close the dog door. An I following correctly?


Yep, you got it.