Can you use webCoRE to call a secondary ST hub?


I have my main house with all my devices and routines all working as they should (With help from all of you i may add), now the issue is that my garage is 26’ away and also has smart switches, motion detectors, etc. within it, but my HOME hub can not reach them.

So I have purchased another hub, but have yet to install as I do not see a way to trigger a routine from my main hub and then have it call over to the secondary hubs devices.

I am hoping I can use webCoRE somehow to “join” the two together under the covers.

Simple example:

Goodnight routine on the main ST hub, would also turn off all the lights in the garage that are attached to the second hub.

Is there anyway to accomplish this task?


Shit abnswer is yes.

Create pistons on second hub then call those pistons from your primary hub piston

Click that and save url. Then enter that into primary hub piston to execute pist on


Gopack has a good solution… never mind his anger management issues. :rofl:


Shit, You can go one better than that! :poop:

On the webCoRE dashboard, click ‘options’ then ‘register another instance’.

Enter a registration code from your second hub and you can now access both webCoRE instances from the one dashboard (toggle between then using the top left location selector)

When building a piston, choose the action ‘execute piston’ and you can select any piston from either instance.

No need to mess about with URL’s / HTTP requests :smile:

Locations and Duplicate Pistons

That is badass! I have a project for the weekend now :slight_smile:


What’s really cool is that you can also pass arguments / data between pistons using this method… so it’s a lot more powerful than just triggering a piston on the other side. :exploding_head:


This is awesome! I didn’t think it was possible, I was waiting for these super system variables, I have been using Sharptools on my second hub, triggering tasker tasks that then do stuff, very convoluted, this is going to be great, my day tomorrow is planned.


Grrrr. Fat fingers and autocorrect on iPhone. Sorry guys and gals.


Well … I hit a wall … I can see my Piston on the other hub. Ifi run it from the other hub, it is all working fine. If i call if from my main hub, NO GO.

The logs state it executes successfully. I know i am missing something easy …

1/7/2018, 4:14:24 PM +679ms
+0ms ╔Received event [Driftwood Point].test = 1515363264678 with a delay of 0ms
+140ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 14ms > PS > 54ms > PE > 72ms > CE
+143ms ║Runtime (36798 bytes) successfully initialized in 54ms (v0.2.101.20171227) (142ms)
+145ms ║╔Execution stage started
+159ms ║║Comparison (string) null executes (string) :9e590c66676833aeafa15d9f009ef04a: = false (2ms)
+161ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated false (8ms)
+163ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated false (state did not change) (10ms)
+167ms ║║Cancelling statement #7’s schedules…
+201ms ║║Executed virtual command executePiston (20ms)
+206ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (61ms)
+207ms ╚Event processed successfully (207ms)

Command "Execute Piston ....." not working

So if you execute goodnight routine on hub 2 it runs goodnight on hub 1.

But if you execute goodnight routine on hub 1 it won’t run goodnight on hub 2.

Have you got the above piston running on both hubs, but with the piston links reversed?


If i execute the Piston on HUB2 it works as expected. Turns off all the Garage lights joined to that HUB, nothing on the main HUB to be clear.

If I call it from HUB1, nothing happens.


Can you post both pistons side by side…


Here is the Garage Piston I am calling (HUB2):

Here is the PISTON I edited to call it from the ORIGINAL Piston on HUB1:


New little piece of data. If i use the web link and not the piston. It works.

Interesting. Bug maybe?


I’ve never actually tested it myself… so not sure what to de-bug

@ipaterson @ady624


I see nothing on my side in the logs or the trace. It states all is well, but nothing happens.

Using the URL and firing over a GET request, BAM! immediately shuts the garage down. :slight_smile:

Trouble activating a piston on a different hub

The execute piston method is essentially doing the same thing in the background… just saves messing with the URL’s…



So i found the URL of the piston i want to execute on my main hub, but what is the command from the secondary hub? i can’t find it, using Location…Make a web request isn’t working for me…


Make web request using form worked for me