Certain Presence Sensor not triggering piston?


1) Give a description of the problem

For months, I’ve had what I believed to be a fully operational piston. Now I’m beginning to doubt whether it’s truly worked. I have a piston which fires when I return home after dark e.g. changes the mode, turns on various lights etc…

My phone Presence Sensor has always been a little bit delayed, but my SmartThings presence sensor has always been there as a fail safe, just in case I get to the front door and my phone hasn’t changed to present.

Tonight I managed to get into the house and wander around for a number of minutes, before the piston fired. This suggests that the SmartThings presence sensor wasn’t reporting as present - but checking in the logs - it was!

2) What is the expected behavior?

Essentially, I expect my SmartThings presence sensor to trigger the routine just like my other presence sensors do.

3) What is happening/not happening?

Only 2 out of the 3 sensors that I’ve setup (both mobile presence sensors), seem to be triggering the piston.

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)

28/11/2017, 17:59:38 +711ms +2ms ╔Received event [Hilly].presence = present with a delay of 565ms +140ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 21ms > PS > 32ms > PE > 87ms > CE +149ms ║Runtime (39544 bytes) successfully initialized in 32ms (v0.2.0fe.20171109) (146ms) +149ms ║╔Execution stage started +157ms ║║Comparison (string) :55edc1cde4d885a3446a689102360558: is_any_of (string) :8758aef5b3454fa158ecbe9780c5d5a6:,:ae7cde2fda331fe1ca8c60787784eb03: = false (2ms) +158ms ║║Condition #12 evaluated false (4ms) +159ms ║║Condition group #null evaluated false (state did not change) (6ms) +160ms ║║Piston execution aborted due to restrictions in effect +178ms ║║Comparison (enum) present changes_to (string) present = true (1ms) +179ms ║║Cancelling condition #4's schedules... +223ms ║║Comparison (time) 64778891 is_between (time) 1511884080000 .. (time) 1511856060000 = true (6ms) +223ms ║║Time restriction check passed +225ms ║║Cancelling condition #5's schedules... +225ms ║║Cancelling condition #1's schedules... +234ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (84ms) +240ms ╚Event processed successfully (239ms)


Looking at the logs I’d say your location mode wasn’t away at night or away…

Maybe look at the piston that’s supposed to change the mode to away and see if that’s working properly?


I thought that initially, but it was definitely set to ‘Away’ this morning. I checked the mode during the day via my phone and the WebCore dashboard confirmed it.

This is my ‘Away’ trigger:

…and then if I’m still away and it’s sunset, it runs the ‘Away at Night’ trigger:


I’m beginning to think that my issues might relate to this thread over on the main SmartThings forum i.e. modes being ignored…

Advance Piston not working as intended

Happened again this evening, but with my Wife’s mobile presence sensor this time.

Fell down again when checking whether the mode was either ‘Away’ or ‘Away At Night’.

I made a concerned effort of checking the mode prior to entering our geofence and it was definitely ‘Away At Night’.

Definitely think it’s linked to the issue above.