Getting started


I can’t seem to grasp webcore. I’ve the videos and read a lot on the wiki. Obviously I can follow the instructions there, but that’s as far as it goes. What’s the best way to tackle the learning curve for someone with no coding experience? I didn’t have any issues with core when I used it. I’ve been out of the loop for a while though. Just bought a new house in June and started installing things this week.


stop reading and write a piston. :slight_smile:


Start simple… test it… and then build upon it.

All of my best pistons have morphed and changed many times over the months (as I got new ideas).

Another popular strategy is to find a piston in the Piston Examples category, and import it, and make it your own. Seeing working code will help you to follow the logic. Especially when you can make changes and see the results immediately.

One thing I highly recommend (if you don’t already know) is to learn how to drag/drop/copy code when editing. This makes experimenting a hundred times easier!