Help simplifing a long yet repetitious piston


Thanks, I believe I have (predictably!) a rather messy way of getting it working the way I’m referring to. Sure you understand that having a vertical list is easier to edit for the usage I have in mind.

I’ll post it in a few =)


I think I’m nearly there. This looks a bit awful as promised, but allows me to use my old UI-friendly (?) format…

running the piston now (my time here is 2319 currently) sets “whichhour” variable as “1”. Which is what I wanted.

Thanks all !


Well, that took a few hours of trial and error, but thought you may like to see the result.

Original piston (518 lines, 75K, very cumbersome to edit) - can’t even do a green cap because it slows my machine trying to do it!) :

New piston (75 lines, 14K, speedy and beautiful to edit

Cheers !!


Lookin’ good @Djh_wolf!

Please don’t forget to reduce the frequency. You can really ruin a unit by cycling that often.


Yup, will do.

But what do you mean by “can ruin a unit”? I presumed it would just slow execution. But I don’t know a hell of a lot about it to be honest.


Forget about Smart Homes for a moment…

AC’s and heaters are meant to cycle…
Forcing it to (potentially) toggle every 60 seconds is asking for trouble.


Ah, of course!