I am having the same problem. I am actually trying to send a profile change to Blue Iris from webcore. I can send from browser on local network using “http://192.168.x.x:xxx/admin?profile=4&lock=2”. BI is password protected - even when I use the app over wifi - but for some reason I don’t have to enter that although I’m using a browser on a different computer. Line in Webcore is “Make a Get request to http…”
Basically, everything is the same except the command after the admin? and minus the user and password info. It didn’t work when I used user a pw either tough.
I’ve seen another thread wear someone said they could do this, but they were talking to someone trying to something else between Webcore and Blue Iris and didn’t elaborate. If I can find that thread again, I’ll try to ask
Also, my log shows that an internal http request with that info was sent. I waited awhile in case it was delayed but nada.