I can't disable any part of my code (comment/rem)


I’ve read on the forum that you can ‘comment’ out parts of your script by using the ‘disable’ function by accessing the cog.

However, I can’t find that anywhere, clicking on the cog just brings up ‘description’.

All I want to do is comment out the section “only when” so I can test my script during the day, as I have conditions to say only run after sunset and before sunrise.

Is this a new GUI and the comment feature is else where now?



Thanks - I’ve seen that response before, but how do you create a disabled statement? I have NEVER seen anything anywhere that has the word ‘disabled’.


At the very end of your piston, Click Add a new statement, then Add an action, Add a task, then cancel. You will end up with an empty With statement.


Click the With, click the Cog icon, and at the bottom you’ll see the Disable statement option.

While you have the With selected, you can also disable the statement by looking at the top right corner of the Piston editor and disable it from there …



Thanks for explaining it step-by-step - I now see the disabled top right. Thank you. Shame we can’t do this inline, but have to create one outside and drag in to it.