Looking for good examples on how to use List type variables


LOL, sorry, it’s what I do. If I go this route, do I need to list every individual day for a holiday range? So for Christmas, I need a statement for Jan 1, Jan 2, Jan 3, etc? Otherwise, what establishes the default ‘normal’

Or do I set the statement for just the first day of each holiday? If the latter, then I will also need date statement to start a “normal” routine right? Basically every holiday needs a ‘on’ date and then an ‘off’ date statement.


Doesn’t need to run daily… only when it needs to change.

So start of Christmas set to Christmas,

end of Christmas set to normal,

start of valentines set to valentines

End of valentines set to normal


Ok, got it now, thanks! Will these statements be there own trigger or do I have to install them under my existing daily trigger?


Timers trigger themselves.



Thank you for your help on this one. These are the two pistons I ended up with and so far woking great. I need to tweak the color assignments, add my dashboard status statements and some select debug statements but this is up and running.