Looking to include screen shot of camera in notification


1) Give a description of the problem
I would like to set up a notification that is triggered by a door / window sensor, but will send me a notification / alert with a screen shot or clip of a camera.

2) What is the expected behavior?
Send notification with screen shot / clip from specific camera

3) What is happening/not happening?
Not receiving picture in notification

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

I have tried other combinations as well but can’t figure it out.

Thanks for the help!


Hi @MikesST,
no idea how to do that :))) but just curious, how do you execute this piston?


Hi! I removed the execution part for testing just to get it working.


To accomplish this in Vera I used a plugin called VeraAlerts. I really hope there is a solution for SmartThings!

Thanks in advance.


If you connect your camera to Blue Iris (BI), you can setup BI to take snapshots in response to HTTP commands from WC, and BI provides a generic link to the latest snapshot, which can be included in the notification.

WC cannot handle the actual image clips directly, there were some early attempts to include such a feature but it took too much storage on the WC servers.


Thanks for the response, I appreciate it. I run Blue Iris and this is a good idea. Can you provide me a link or two to point me in the right direction to get it started?



or pages 77-78 in the BI manual:
