Make a loop for colored lights


Hey guys! I’m new to this whole thing and have been trying to make my Lights work for about 11 hours now. I think I’ve got most of what I need figured out. But, I was wondering if There was a way to create a loop.

I have a virtual Switch set up. My piston if set that when the switch is on, the lights will flicker red and orange for 1 second a flicker at 10 times each.
Then the statement below shuts off the switch and turns it back on. This triggers the event to happen again, but the switch will not kick off a second time.

Am I going about creating a loop wrong? I tried to cycle the flickers 1800 times to have them go for an hour, but it bogged down too much.
Any advice for a noob would be appreciated.

My end goal is to figure out how to make the colored bulbs flicker different colors for at least an hour, if not more. We host parties and I haven’t found any way to do this yet.

SOLUTION FOUND! Check a few posts down to see the piston build and details. Faster party lights than the others I’ve seen and themed lights flashing!


What kind of lights are we talking about? I’m asking because if they are LIFX bulbs there is an easy way to do this.


Osram Lightify

I found the loop section, but I’m really lost on how to use it. I stuck it before the light flicker command and the lights wouldn’t come on. I stuck it after, and it didn’t loop.

I am using a command that loops until the switch turns off.


Post the piston you have.


I figured it out!

Thanks! Sorry I probably wasted your time. I figured out that I couldn’t see all the options on my phone. I went to pull it up on my computer and saw more options.


Post the piston anyways in case someone else has the same questions.


+1 I might be able to leverage this for some Halloween lighting if you post it…


That’s what got me started. We have a huge Halloween party. I’m posting the piston now.


Ok, So first: You have to enable the option for Advanced Statements. Use the last loop on the list for this one. I had trouble using the app on my phone because it would not show up right. Pulled up the laptop to get a full screenshot of the piston and immediately saw the issue.
Your piston should look like this. I’ve also changed it around a lot and it will work for random flashing of dimmable and tunable bulbs under the other settings for those bulbs. You can pick colors.
I’ve got my regular party sequence now (as shown). It cycles through all the colors the bulb is capable of. My bulbs are not capable of the darker bulb colors like blacklight. But, there is the option for the better bulbs like the new Sylvania Smart+ (forcing myself to wait until after we are done Christmas shopping…).
But, I built a Blue and White one for my wife since she is a Duke fan. Built my in-laws an Orange and White chain for UTK. Possibilities seem to be endless.
With my bulbs, Osram Lightify by Sylvania, I’ve noticed they do not run true except the base colors. The oranges and such are much lighter. So if you are using these, pick a darker shade. I’m actually using Orange Red for my Oranges for example.
I ran this for over an hour with no trouble!
Good Luck to All!

BTW: At this point, I’ve noticed there is a 2 color limit unless 1 or more is randomized. I haven’t tried manually repeating the script in the piston before the loop to see if it would function correctly giving you multiples of 2. Theoretically it should, but it would have to be sequenced as to not run at the same time. A timer is out since the 1 second on rule is give or take. Sometimes its a millisecond, sometimes 5 seconds. So, best guess is up in the air.


Search the group for a candle flicker piston. It’s pretty nice if you want a Halloween effect. I have 4 lifx rugby bulbls and have each one running the candle flicker independently. Kind of nice.


Thanks. But I am having trouble with that one. I was not able to get any of that one working. A little more than I can do right now.