Mood Cube Piston


I’ve seen this as well. Twice I had to re-include the Sensor to get it going again.


Mine is working fine since the above mentioned errors were fixed


Maybe I’m missing something: I have a Multi Sensor, set as a “SmartSense Multi Sensor”.

In webcore, I only get the “status” state (?):

In the IDE, I see:

temperature: 23 C
battery: 83
contact: open
threeAxis: 40,1035,-23
acceleration: inactive
checkInterval: 720
status: open

What am I doing wrong? Shouldn’t I see an “orientation” state somewhere?

(Ideally I would like a device handler that only shows BATTERY and ORIENTATION, rather than threeAxis and the other states which are irrelevant when the sensor is used as a mood cube.)



The handler I’m using is SmartSense Multi, there is another handler listed as SmartSense Multi Sensor.


Dammit I just got rid of all my sons Legos. That’s a good idea.


I’m not sure if you have the same device, but with my SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor, there is no DH required.



thanks. i removed it and re-paired (again, as a “SmartSense Multi Sensor”) and now I get all the options!


I just did this a few days ago with a newer SmartThings Multipurpose sensor as well. Next step is to see if I can get some other ‘advanced features’ to work like the magic cube product. Would be cool if rotate would dim up/down which color is up, tap to toggle on/off, toss/roll to random or party lights, etc :slight_smile: