Multiple, root level triggers within one piston,



1) Give a description of the problem
I am able to create multiple, root level triggers within one piston, but I don’t know if that’s valid, or what the semantics of doing such a thing are are.

Is it equivalent to putting them in different pistons, are there pros/cons of doing so?

2) What is the expected behavior?
I understand the semantics of this.

3) What is happening/not happening?
I don’t understand the semantics of this.

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage


Only one of your conditions is being recognised as a trigger. You can tell because it has the little lightning bolt next to it.


Aha! That fact combined with this tidbit probably explains my confusion:

if there are triggers in a piston webcore ONLY checks the triggers to decide which events that piston should be subscribed to.

If this is true then do we know if there has been a feature request to warn the user when these circumstances arise?


dont believe there has been such a feature request. its working as designed so not a bug certainly. but i agree its not intuitive for users just starting out with wC.


Why would you need to subscribe the condition statements to their devices? I work on the assumption that every rule wants to be run due to something in particular triggering it, you may want to check the state of other things but you don’t want those things to also cause the piston to do anything as that is just wasted compute time.


My confusion was more around: "Why does UI lets me create this kind of structure, if it results in actions which can never be triggered.


even though it will not act as trigger that part of the code will still be evaluated when the piston is executed by another trigger.