Piston won't fire (not receiving events?)


1) Give a description of the problem
Piston won’t fire no matter what I do.

2) What is the expected behavior?
I created a piston to sound my chime (Dome siren) when any one of three doors is opened. I see in the app the sensor status changes from open to closed and back as I open/close the door but the change to open is not picked up by the piston so it never fires.

3) What is happening/not happening?
Does nothing. I tried changing the condition so it is based on state rather than change and then when I run the test, it works but it never fires based on trigger event on its own.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]


Was this happening about 3 hours ago? I saw the same thing about the same time. After awhile they started firing again.


I am still seeing the issue. Not a single piston is firing. Piston logs indicate no event received. The motion sensors are showing motion in the ST phone app, but WC piston logs are not showing any motion event. Even time based pistons are not working. Seeing the issue since about 3 hours ago (9:30 PM EST 11/11/2018). Pistons still not working at 12:52 AM EST 11/12/2018.


This has been going on all day. If I change the code to say ‘are’ vs ‘change to’ I can open the door and run a test and it will command the chime. It just doesn’t seem to see the change notice. Not sure if it is WC or ST causing the issue. Just checked again and still not working.


FYI, I tried creating a custom home monitoring rule in the classic ST app connecting these same sensor open events to ringing the chime and that does not seem to work either. Seems like ST is not distributing the event messages as it should.


I do not have that device, but a quick question for clarification: When you said, “I see in the app the sensor status changes from open to closed”… are you referring to the SmartThings app, the webCoRE app, or the Dome siren app?

Without knowing the proper syntax for your device, I would say your code looks good. I am surprised it is not being seen by the piston. Often, when I troubleshoot similar issues, I break it down to see what part of the flow is not working. IE:

  1. contact to hub
  2. hub to webCoRE
  3. webCoRE to device

You can rule out number 1 by importing and testing this one command:


You can rule out number 2 by testing a different device to see if webCoRE responds correctly.

Number 3 is the area I am clueless about, since each device handler allows for different commands. It could be as simple as incorrect syntax.


Is this Door siren a fairly new device? (new to your household)


Communication between ST and WC is still broken. The ST devices can be controlled from phone app, but WebCore is still failing to see any events. These pistons were working for last several months. ST-WC is unreliable.


IDE live logs for the particular device(s) would be useful also.


The time based events are not even firing the pistons. So, I have scheduled a light to go off at 11:00 AM. The WC logs indicate that no time event was received. So how would IDE live logs be of any help?


Thank you all for your help. I woke up this morning and it magically works. I think there was a problem in ST since neither the home monitoring or webCoRE were working. Seems to have resolved itself overnight and suddenly both were working so I just deleted the home monitoring rule and all seems to work.


So, I created a piston called Test. Nothing clever, just turn on one light at 12:10 PM. After creating the piston, I pressed the Test button (to test the piston). As expected, the light did not turn on because the time was less than 12:10 PM.

Then I waited till 12:15 PM, nothing happened. The light did not turn on. The piston test button was pressed at 12:01 PM, so there are entries for that, but when the event should have fired the piston, there is nothing. Here is everything, the piston, logs from WC, live logs from ST IDE:

WC logs at full:

11/12/2018, 12:01:07 PM +660ms
+1ms ╔Received event [MyHub].test = 1542042067659 with a delay of 0ms
+147ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 34ms > PS > 87ms > PE > 26ms > CE
+150ms ║Runtime (36858 bytes) successfully initialized in 87ms (v0.3.108.20180906) (148ms)
+152ms ║╔Execution stage started
+166ms ║║Comparison (time) 43267821 happens_daily_at (time) 43800000 = false (1ms)
+168ms ║║Condition #14 evaluated false (7ms)
+173ms ║║Cancelling statement #14’s schedules…
+180ms ║║Requesting time schedule wake up at Mon, Nov 12 2018 @ 12:10:00 PM EST
+188ms ║║Condition group #13 evaluated false (state did not change) (28ms)
+214ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (62ms)
+220ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Mon, Nov 12 2018 @ 12:10:00 PM EST (in 532.122s)
+231ms ╚Event processed successfully (231ms)

ST IDE Live Log:

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: info ╔ Event processed successfully (231ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: info ║ Setting up scheduled job for Mon, Nov 12 2018 @ 12:10:00 PM EST (in 532.122s)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: trace ║╔ Execution stage complete. (62ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║║ Condition group #13 evaluated false (state did not change) (28ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║║ Requesting time schedule wake up at Mon, Nov 12 2018 @ 12:10:00 PM EST

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║║ Cancelling statement #14’s schedules…

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║║ Condition #14 evaluated false (7ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║║ Comparison (time) 43267821 happens_daily_at (time) 43800000 = false (1ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: trace ║╚ Execution stage started

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: trace ║ Runtime (36858 bytes) successfully initialized in 87ms (v0.3.108.20180906) (148ms)

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: debug ║ RunTime Analysis CS > 34ms > PS > 87ms > PE > 26ms > CE

283c7fd8-887f-4c67-b53e-cf57eead91fd 12:01:07 PM: info ╚ Received event [MyHub].test = 1542042067659 with a delay of 0ms