Siri Shortcuts not POSTing variable to piston


1) Give a description of the problem
Siri Shortcut is set up to POST the user-provided alarmTime variable to webCoRE piston, webCoRE doesn’t seem to be receiving any variables.

2) What is the expected behavior?
The variables (alarmTime at a minimum) should update with the value that Siri Shortcut passes to webCoRE.

3) What is happening/not happening?
No change in logs or in variables in webCoRE (see blue box on right):

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full

10/13/2020, 10:23:22 PM +78ms
+27ms	╔Subscribing to devices...
+88ms	║Device missing from piston. Loading all from parent (54ms)
+92ms	║Piston controls Nightstand...
+100ms	╚Finished subscribing (74ms)
+114ms	║Comparison (string) null executes (time) 80602000 = false (3ms)
+123ms	║Comparison (time) 80602000 happens_daily_at (time) 80602000 = false (0ms)
+125ms	║Cancelling statement #7's schedules...
+132ms	║Requesting time schedule wake up at Wed, Oct 14 2020 @ 10:23:22 PM PDT
+139ms	║Comparison (time) 80602000 happens_daily_at (time) 80602000 = false (1ms)
+141ms	║Cancelling statement #11's schedules...
+148ms	║Requesting time schedule wake up at Wed, Oct 14 2020 @ 10:23:22 PM PDT
+155ms	║Comparison (time) 80602000 happens_daily_at (time) 80602000 = false (1ms)
+157ms	║Cancelling statement #13's schedules...
+163ms	║Requesting time schedule wake up at Wed, Oct 14 2020 @ 10:23:22 PM PDT
+192ms	║Setting up scheduled job for Wed, Oct 14 2020 @ 10:23:22 PM PDT (in 86400s), with 2 more jobs pending
+195ms	╔Starting piston... (v0.3.110.20200916_HE)
+196ms	╚Piston successfully started (185ms)


As you observed, IFTTT cannot execute a variable.
(there are a lot of great threads with many IFTTT examples already posted)

Side Note:

If you are using the External URL to pass the args, then there’s no reason to have IFTTT as a trigger.


Thanks, but I’m not sure what you’re saying the recourse (if any) is for this case. Are you saying I should add a separate step in the Siri Shortcut to trigger the piston?

Note that I’m not using IFTTT itself, but rather Siri Shortcuts. IIUC this itself shouldn’t be an issue.


I don’t use Siri, but with a normal URL shortcut, I point towards the External URL of a piston. The args at the end of the URL are captured, and stored by the piston. And more specifically, the receiving piston usually has absolutely no triggers at all. (No lightning bolts in the left margin)

Effectively, the External URL becomes the trigger

Here is an example of an External URL with args.


You say alarmTime is not in the piston. It is, actually. Look closer. It is on the image you posted. I don’t know what to tell you. These work…exactly right.

You are not posting to the right URL, point-blank, or your piston would say it had received the event. As mine, below, does.

I have one broken arm and enough on my plate. Frankly, I am losing my patience as I have spelled out for you how to accomplish this in literal, excruciating detail.

The beginning IF, for “if IFTTT executes alarmTime”, the first of two instances of alarmTime you say is not there, needs to be clicked. Within that is the URL you need your shortcut to point to.

If your shortcut isn’t triggering the piston, I can say with absolute certainty you have the wrong URL. Most likely you are posting to the webcore piston you were designing for yourself before I sent you this one.

The exact shortcut and piston I sent you work for me. The only thing you should need to change is your URL and the default alarm time.

Input Only Alarm

This is the shortcut.
un4n is the piston import code.
If anyone sees an issue with my logic or why this piston should not be working other than it isn’t getting triggered, please say so.



Got it working! Thank you for your help! Areas of confusion and their resolutions (to help others going forward):

My bad — I didn’t see that the original code includes both alarmTime and alarmDigits; I now see that they are separate variables connected in lines 23–25.

Ah, on line 21 (not line 20). That was throwing me off. Going forward, mentioning line numbers may help smooth communications!

Truly sorry to hear about this and for your trouble.


This is always good to hear… :grin:

Would you be willing to post your working piston to help others in the future?

