ST modes, motion and manual switches


1) Give a description of the problem
Hello All,

Im running into a design consideration where I want to run different light motions based on ST mode that is operating. Currently I have a very simple rule that I created setup and working for a single room. However this doesnt include the ST modes. Im not really sure where to start. Currently I have the following ST modes setup, thanks to an example piston:

This works fine, the following ST modes work great.

Problem 1: So onto the room motion setup. This is a motion I have setup for the nursery. Currently the motion triggers the manual light switch to come on, then to dim the light depending on time of day. Currently only two restrictions. I want this to be as above with the ST modes. Different ST modes means different dim and time delays (which im happy to adjust). Just dont know how to do it. This is the current piston:

Problem 2: The light switches cut the power to the philips hue lights on turn off. The issue I have found is when the light switch is turned on and DIM set, it doesnt happen for some time. This isnt good in the middle of the night.

Problem 3: The way I have currently set this up. I need to create a piston per room, not sure if this is the best practice or done way? All dim settings are going to be the same per room (currently). I also have a day/night piston, not joined together.


I haven’t delved into ST modes yet, but problem 2 can be resolved easily. Can you move your Philips Hue bulb to an outlet that is always on? If so, then you won’t ever get blinded by light in the middle of the night.

My strategy would be first, make the final command of each Turn off to be something like this:

Wait 2 minutes
Set level to 1%
Wait 1 second
Turn off

This will prepare the light’s brightness for the future.

Also, you could totally drop the Turn on command, at the beginning of your code. Simply Set level to 20% will turn on AND set to the level you wish. (although with Philips Hue, there will be a brief moment when it first comes on that it uses the previous brightness, which is why I suggested setting the levels to 1% before the turn offs)

If you are unable or unwilling to move the bulb away from the wall switch, then you could always make your “go to bed” routine return that bulb’s level to 1%, and then turn off. This way, even if people manually use the switch throughout the day, it will return to a low brightness at bedtime. (personally, I try to keep power flowing to all my smart bulbs 24/7, so I always leave the physical switches in the On position, but I realize that it’s hard to train others to always leave the switch on)


Thanks for this. The light switches I use are controlled via MiHome. I wanted to keep them if possible because i dont fully want to rely on motion.

Any thoughts?


OK, again I am referring to issue #2 here. When you say, “the light switch is turned on and DIM set, it doesnt happen for some time” are you referring to the DIM switch in the wall is used to dim??


A good rule of thumb that I try to stick with is:

Smart bulbs should go into “dumb” fixtures (never turning off the switch)
Regular (dumb) bulbs should go in smart fixtures.

This should keep your conflicts to a minimum.
(Putting a smart bulb into a smart fixture often causes issues)


Got it :slight_smile: thanks! :slight_smile:

When I refer to the light switch, it only has an on/off function.
When I refer to the dim, this is a function of the hue light bulb and its ability to be set from 0-100 (i believe)


I would heavily lean towards putting a dumb bulb (LED is ok, but no brains) in the socket controlled by the smart-switch, and put your Philips hue bulb in an old fashioned lamp, or some socket that stays on 24/7… This way you get the best of both worlds. (since Philips bulbs can do nothing if there’s no power flowing to it)


Yes. I guess it needs to be one or the other. As I have spent so much money on the philips hue, I will need to find another solution to the switch… Maybe you can recommend something?


Well, I have “trained” my household to never turn off switches at the wall. We have an Alexa in most areas that can turn on or off by voice. (she also can set colors and levels of brightness) I have also programmed many lights & routines to run based on time/weather/day of week etc… And motion, like you have done.

Basically, if ___ happens, do ____
and using Alexa to cover all other scenarios.

Or another way to say that is, if there is a pattern, I program for it. (when I arrive home, turn on the fan etc) If there is no pattern, I use Alexa to toggle a Simulated Switch. (like when I want bright lights temporarily while I look for something)


Maybe something like this (or a smaller version) would be helpful in your case.
(I have not used this yet, but it is on my wish list)

It is battery powered, so can be installed anywhere. The 8 buttons send 16 commands, since each button can be pressed, or long pressed. The beauty of something like this is you get what appears to be a wall outlet for turning on or off lights, but because it sends the command to the ST hub, then you can complexify it as much as you want. (ie: if button 1 is pressed, turn on lights at 80% brightness in cool white for 15 minutes etc)

Also, because power is never cut from the bulbs, you will always have control via webCoRE.

I am thinking of installing one hidden on the side of my Lazy-Boy chair, and another on the wall in a high traffic area.


I just submitted a set of Pistons that I use for Mode-Based Lighting that might work for you.


Wow that looks great. Just got to get my head around it! :slight_smile:


Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.