Task Cancellation on new temp data


Cool, yeah I was watching in trace and saw the 5 minute countdown cancel prematurely.


Actually, that is not enough information. The trace will change colors when conditions change… but I think the ‘auto’ command should have still been sent. Can you confirm (when actually looking at the Thermostat 1) to see if it returned to ‘auto’?


I will set it to a trigger again and monitor.


With line 36 as a trigger…




Wow man, I am absolutely floored. You were right. It looks like it drops out, but that’s just trace being weird, because it scheduled the set to auto and executed on time. Way to go! That is strange.


Well, the trace is helpful to see events as they come in, and the log is helpful to see what actually happened below the surface…

Glad it is working for you!! :+1: