Trying to turn off a light after two motion detectors show inactive for 3 minutes


if you use ANY SENSOR, trigger will be first one that goes inactive x amount of time…
if you use ALL SENSORS, the system will wait untill ALL related sensors are inactive.


So I should have viewed the logs first. It seems that one of the motion sensors (technically a Nest Hello) would see the light turning off as motion, and turn everything right back on.

Self inflicted yet again…


I would have suggested this, but every one of your posts said that it never turned off.
(often times, the smallest detail is the most important when troubleshooting)


I actually didn’t know myself. It happened very quickly, and every time I walked by it, it was on. That’s why I mentioned that I should have actually looked at the logs. Lesson hopefully learned…


Don’t feel bad… Rarely a day passes where I do not learn something new with my SmartHome.