Turn Lights on?


1) Give a description of the problem
Piston to turn lights to different levels depending on the time of day

2) What is the expected behavior?

3) What is happening/not happening?

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

Can someone let me know if this is the best way to do this, or is this completely wrong?


If it works it works, there is no good or bad way :wink: Just do it the way you want.
Only thing im seeing is that you’re using the inactive of the motion twice.
Not sure what you’re planning to do there but it looks like it will just turn off the lights after 20 minutes.
Don’t know why you would add another one to wait 30 minutes because it will be switched off by then.



The two different inactive are because depending on the ‘home status’ depends on how long I want it to wait before the lights go off.
Will that not work like that?
Should I split it into multiple pistons?


It will work but it will always turn off after 20 minutes, not 30 minutes (depending if there wont be any motion). Some comments:


Oh thanks that makes sense, so multiples will just cancel each other out?

If I wanted different times, should they be multiple pistons, or can it all be done in one?


Will this do the correct job?


Yep that will do it


Thanks :slight_smile:


Oh wait not totaly haha Because it can be possible there is still motion when it goes to the if statement for the timer.


maybe consider using this for your rooms and stuff: Rooms Manager: Smarter Rooms: Personalized home automation with Occupancy

But this piston should do it:


Thanks for supplying this, although won’t this turn the light off regardless of movement in the room?

What about using some sort of Only When for the checking for no motion, like an only when motion is inactive for 30 minutes? Or is it maybe better to have two pistons one for the ON and one for OFF


Oh yea sorry, i will look at it tomorrow :wink:


I think this should do it:


That works perfectly, thank you :slight_smile: