Wind forecast assistance


I’m trying to use TWC to customize several SMS in the morning - and in the evening. For today and tomorrow.
Does anyone know how to find the forecast for windSpeedMin/Max - or if it even exist?
It would probably look somthing like: $twcweather.forecast.windSpeedMax[0]
In the regular forecast for tomorrow (or other days) - a wind speed minimum and maximum is included: $twcweather.forecast.narrative - and it is also possible to pull out the current windspeed - or the windspeed for “tonight”, “tomorrow morning” etc. using $twcweather.forecast.daypart[0].windSpeed.

I would also like to somehow do the same with windGust - if possible.
I’m hoping someone has an idea og knows how to solve this.

Søren from Denmark


you have probably read this thread on forecast temperature:


Thanks - but Scott’s issue is temperature (not windSpeed or gust) and the forecast temperature is actually in the TWC Webcore Wiki
Thanks anyhow - it’s a good thread


The closest I have seen for a wind forecast is one of these:


  • “Winds light and variable.”,
  • “Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.”,
  • “Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.”,
  • “Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.”


  • 3,
  • 1,
  • 6,
  • 5

Both of these forecasts extend up to 15 days in the future [29]


Hi @WCmore
Thanks for your reply. I’ve noticed you’re pretty active concerning the weather reports :slight_smile:
Too bad - I was hoping I could split it up. Actually I already use the windSpeed for daypart already and convert it to m/s (metres per second - that’s how we calculate windSpeed here in Denmark). That’s what I was hoping I could do, if I could split the minimum and maximum up. So I could “write” my own wind reports in Danish and have them sent by SMS.
I don’t know how to convert whole sentences to Danish and convert the values seperately. It would, I think, take to much time and again how to split up the mix of text - and values when I want to multiply them separately.
The possibilities with TWC are somewhat more limited than the Weather Underground?


Well, for what it’s worth, the minimum is usually zero… I think the max is likely the gust, but the gust is only available for the current time. (not a forecast)

You can add integers to the end. For example:

$twcweather.forecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[0] is this morning
$twcweather.forecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[1] is tonight
$twcweather.forecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[2] is tomorrow morning
$twcweather.forecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[3] is tomorrow night

Also, keep in mind the limitation of using [0].
Shortly after 3pm it will return ‘null’ for the next 12 hours.

Absolutely yes. Most of the data I am interested in is not available at all.
(hourly temp forecast, hourly rain chance etc)