10-Day Weather Forecast Tiles



The first tile in the 10-day forecast uses data parsed from a slightly different stream and as a result, unlike the other tiles, does not display the chance of precipitation if there is one. I’ve debated both whether and how to address this, and while I’ve kicked around a few ideas I haven’t done anything yet.


That makes sense, I couldn’t put my arms around this oddity, until you explained it. Thanks.


I’ve updated the piston here and in the original post. The chance of precipitation has been incorporated into the first tile, but as with the other tiles will appear only when greater than zero. In addition, the code has been cleaned up and streamlined.


Im Still Leaning this. But where does this piston show up at? I was thinking I could add it into Actiontiles but I dont see it show up after I imported it into webcore.


Nevermind I figured it out. Didnt realize it would only show on Webcore Dashboard… Looking for some good Solutions for actiontiles that does something similar.


Thanks for the code first of all, it mostly works really well for me! I have one glitch and not sure how to fix it. I am in Canada, and use Celsius, but i am not getting all of the Temps in the forecast reporting properly. I believe it is just not putting the - symbol in front of the temp once the temp falls below -9 or -10 C. It shows 13 to 20 C as one example, and when i check the forecast, it is actually -13 to -20 C.

Any suggestion on where to fix this? Let me know if i can provide more information!



The obvious fix is to move somewhere much warmer. :sunglasses: :parasol_on_ground:

The original piston didn’t account for the possibility of a negative double-digit Celsius temp. If you want to make the change yourself to retain any other modifications you might have made, the line under the second “if metric is true” needs to be modified, changing both the “2” to 3.

Here’s the line before and after

do Set variable {tempC[counter]} = {mid(weather,indexOf(weather, 'C. ')-2,2)};
do Set variable {tempC[counter]} = {mid(weather,indexOf(weather, 'C. ')-3,3)};

Otherwise, here’s the updated piston. Once the tiles have updated, let me know if this works for you.

Edit: Deleted revised piston. The suggested revisions (above) are incorrect.


Changed it as per your directions and this is the result…


Okay, here’s the revised piston. I needed to revise a couple of lines of code that wouldn’t parse correctly in more extreme temperatures.


Revision to correct Day of Week not always displaying correctly on tiles.


Please post your code. I also have the day of week problem.


Hmm, it was there – and the space for it was still – but somehow the image vanished. Anyway, I’ve edited the post again with a new image. Backup code tqsod


IMPORTANT NOTE: With SmartThings’ decision to source weather information from The Weather Channel (TWC) and remove access to the data previously provided by Weather Underground, this piston no longer functions properly.

I will be working on an revision that uses the TWC API and hope to have it available within the next week, depending on my schedule.


Hopefully the following will get you started:


Yes, I’m sure it will. I’ve been following the beta thread and your progress on this. I’ve just been too busy this past week to get involved.


@bthrock do you recommend a replacement?


@Bboy486 I have a replacement that I should have posted earlier. It still needs a little tweaking as in a certain, mostly uncommon, circumstances it won’t parse the wind conditions correctly. I just need to have some free time to focus on it when the problem occurs. But this should work for you 98% of the time.


Is there a way to also add push notifications on this piston? I would like one piston for both tiles and push notifications about the forecast.


It certainly could be done, but the code you would have to add here (i.e., one or more if/then statements after the For loop) would be essentially the same as that required for a separate piston.



First thanks for your work @bhtrock, very appreciated.

Here is my first piston on this forums and it’s a tweak of your work bhtrock. I’ve tweaked the wind to only show the direction and the speed. I had to tweak the windUnit to yield km/h instead of kmh.

It’s better displayed on large tiles to get the all the features.

I’m planning on moduling the colors based on the season. Here we have 4 seasons and the temperature can go from -20C to 30C in the summer.
