10-Day Weather Forecast Tiles



This piston generates daily weather forecast tiles for up to 10 days based on data parsed from Weather Underground. This provides a longer-range forecast in a more compact format than the weather tiles piston in the wiki.

Configurable for metric or imperial and number of days.

EDIT: Updated piston on 10/21/17 with revised first day forecast tile and streamlined code.
EDIT: Updated piston on 12/17/17. Bugfix affecting data parsing when more extreme temperatures are forecast.

See also:
Door Left Open Reminder - Configurable by Individual Contact
Sonos Speakers - Dashboard Tiles
Sonos Speakers - Group Volume Adjustment via Voice Command
Sonos Speakers - Auto Volume Adjustment

10-Day Forecast Tiles

The temperature ranges that determine the tile color can be also adjusted for typical local weather conditions. This adjustment is based on code shamelessly borrowed from @ahndee’s original sample in the wiki.

Using the weather feature
webCoRE Update v0.3.10a.20190223 - adds $twcweather to replace discontinued $weather, bug fixes
Understanding the $weather.forecast.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday.fcttext function
Dashboard not updating

tagging @ahndee, original pistons here:



Thanks! I looked but couldn’t find the username noted in the piston to give proper credit for the tile color code. I’ll edit my original post as well.


Trying to edit it for Fahrenheit and mph but not sure where and tips?


Change the metric variable at the top to false


Which one? And how do you invoke it to show?


When you import the piston, it will be set to Farenheit by default. You shouldn’t need to edit the preference “boolean metric=false” unless you want to change to metric.

Note that no tiles will show up until the piston has run at least once, and as the piston only runs once every four hours, they won’t show up for a while unless you temporarily edit the “every 4 hours” statement.


OK that is what I thought, but a stupid question where does it show up? On my Browser or in The ST app?


The tiles will show up in the webCoRE dashboard in your browser, but only if you have assigned the piston to a category that has tiles enabled under Settings: Categories.


OK I have a category called Environmental, and medium tiles set. And the piston in that category. So I will see if it shows in four hours or so.Will it remain on the screen as I am going out?


Yes, the tiles will be there whenever you open the dashboard from now on.


Thank you, but now I think there is a problem with WebCoRe as none of my Pistons are showing but they are there. I requested help in another post. But it could be the problem that ST is having with processing.


Are your other pistons in a category with Details enabled?


I just figured it out thanks.
What happened is the others were in uncategorized, but ended up in the environmental category. Now I can’t get to them to edit.


Thanks again for the great Piston, it works perfectly. I guess the weather is taken using the HUB location?


Change the category to show details so that you can edit them.

Here is the wiki weather page. But yes the information is based on hub location.


Yes I realized about the category change and fixed it. I would love now to add present conditions.


There are a lot of different examples posted in this section of the forum. Some are quite detailed with tiles for everything reportable, so you have a lot to choose from based on preference. Weather here tends to be milder, so I prefer something simpler, like this:


Here’s the piston

Looking at the piston I’m reminded that it pops us another tile or two if rain is forecast in the next 24-48 hours. That hasn’t happened in months, but will next week and I’ll decide then whether or not I’m going to retain that part of the code or not.


Thank you, I will add this to my pistons.


Works as you said great addition. Thanks.