For any of you out there with an Aeotec Smart Switch 6 or Dimmer 6 here is another way to add holiday color and cheer to your home. I have installed the custom DTHs for these devices which can be found at: Also, you must set the configurable parameter “LED Behavior” within the ST Mobile app settings for your device(s) to #2, and then make sure to press “configure” to apply these changes on your Aeotec Smart 6 device. Also, I am using a global variable named @isHoliday to capture events and start the Christmas color effects. This global variable is specific to my HA system. You can easily replace this global variable with a virtual switch or physical device to start/stop your own holiday light show.
I have documented what is happening inside the piston, so it shouldn’t be too hard to follow…
DTH in ST Mobile app:
WebCoRE Tile (Random Colors):
WebCoRE Piston:
What it does…