Alexa announcement when unlocked from inside HELP!


1) Give a description of the problem

I have Alexa speak setup when someone enters a code on the door. When a code is entered, Alexa says “welcome home {username} and lights turn on. The PROBLEM I am having is if you unlock the door from inside the announcement and lights turn on.

2) What is the expected behavior?

We only want the piston to run when a code is entered from the outside.

3) What is happening/not happening?

Piston is running any way the door is being unlocked. Key, code, and inside dead bolt.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!

**5) Attach any logs

Log for unlocked from inside:

2/19/2019, 10:00:04 PM +664ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Front Door].lock = unlocked with a delay of 137ms
+70ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 14ms > PS > 27ms > PE > 28ms > CE
+73ms ║Runtime (41683 bytes) successfully initialized in 27ms (v0.3.109.20181207) (70ms)
+74ms ║╔Execution stage started
+86ms ║║Comparison (enum) unlocked gets (string) unlocked = true (2ms)
+88ms ║║Cancelling condition #7’s schedules…
+89ms ║║Condition #7 evaluated true (8ms)
+91ms ║║Cancelling statement #1’s schedules…
+92ms ║║Condition group #1 made progress up the ladder, currently at step 1 of 1
+93ms ║║Cancelling statement #1’s schedules…
+94ms ║║Cancelling condition #1’s schedules…
+95ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated true (state changed) (15ms)
+99ms ║║Condition group #8 evaluated true (state did not change) (0ms)
+102ms ║║Cancelling statement #23’s schedules…
+109ms ║║Executed virtual command setVariable (4ms)
+113ms ║║Evaluating switch with values [[i:11:null:0, v:[t:dynamic, v:null, vt:string]]]
+117ms ║║Comparison (dynamic) null is (integer) 1 = false (2ms)
+122ms ║║Comparison (dynamic) null is (integer) 2 = false (2ms)
+126ms ║║Comparison (dynamic) null is (integer) 3 = false (2ms)
+130ms ║║Cancelling statement #33’s schedules…
+252ms ║║Executed physical command [Chair Light].on() (116ms)
+253ms ║║Executed [Chair Light].on (119ms)
+292ms ║║Executed physical command [Couch Light].on() (36ms)
+293ms ║║Executed [Couch Light].on (38ms)
+333ms ║║Executed physical command [TV Light].on() (37ms)
+335ms ║║Executed [TV Light].on (39ms)
+358ms ║║Executed physical command [TV Twinkles].on() (20ms)
+359ms ║║Executed [TV Twinkles].on (22ms)
+363ms ║║Cancelling statement #28’s schedules…
+370ms ║║Calculating (string) Welcome Home + (string) Brittney >> (string) Welcome Home Brittney
+2236ms ║║Executed physical command [Echo - Living Room].playText([Welcome Home Brittney]) (1858ms)
+2237ms ║║Executed [Echo - Living Room].playText (1861ms)
+2240ms ║║Cancelling statement #2’s schedules…
+2247ms ║║Calculating (string) Front Door unlocked by + (string) Brittney >> (string) Front Door unlocked by Brittney
+2253ms ║║Executed virtual command sendNotification (3ms)
+2260ms ║║Calculating (string) Front Door unlocked by + (string) Brittney >> (string) Front Door unlocked by Brittney
+2315ms ║║Executed virtual command sendSMSNotification (49ms)
+2324ms ║║Comparison (enum) unlocked gets (string) unlocked = false (1ms)
+2326ms ║║Condition #37 evaluated false (7ms)
+2327ms ║║Condition group #36 evaluated false (state did not change) (8ms)
+2330ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (2257ms)
+2331ms ╚Event processed successfully (2331ms

Unlocked with keypad code:

2/19/2019, 5:02:22 PM +670ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Front Door].lock = unlocked with a delay of 168ms
+75ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 18ms > PS > 32ms > PE > 26ms > CE
+78ms ║Runtime (41683 bytes) successfully initialized in 32ms (v0.3.109.20181207) (77ms)
+79ms ║╔Execution stage started
+93ms ║║Comparison (enum) unlocked gets (string) unlocked = true (4ms)
+95ms ║║Cancelling condition #7’s schedules…
+103ms ║║Condition #7 evaluated true (17ms)
+107ms ║║Cancelling statement #1’s schedules…
+110ms ║║Condition group #1 made progress up the ladder, currently at step 1 of 1
+111ms ║║Cancelling statement #1’s schedules…
+113ms ║║Cancelling condition #1’s schedules…
+114ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated true (state changed) (29ms)
+117ms ║║Condition group #8 evaluated true (state did not change) (1ms)
+121ms ║║Cancelling statement #23’s schedules…
+128ms ║║Executed virtual command setVariable (3ms)
+132ms ║║Evaluating switch with values [[i:11:null:0, v:[t:dynamic, v:2, vt:string]]]
+136ms ║║Comparison (dynamic) 2 is (integer) 1 = false (1ms)
+140ms ║║Comparison (dynamic) 2 is (integer) 2 = true (2ms)
+143ms ║║Cancelling statement #19’s schedules…
+150ms ║║Executed virtual command setVariable (3ms)
+156ms ║║Cancelling statement #33’s schedules…
+165ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Chair Light].on([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+166ms ║║Executed [Chair Light].on (5ms)
+172ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [Couch Light].on([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+174ms ║║Executed [Couch Light].on (5ms)
+180ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [TV Light].on([]) because it would make no change to the device. (3ms)
+181ms ║║Executed [TV Light].on (5ms)
+187ms ║║Skipped execution of physical command [TV Twinkles].on([]) because it would make no change to the device. (4ms)
+188ms ║║Executed [TV Twinkles].on (6ms)
+191ms ║║Cancelling statement #28’s schedules…
+199ms ║║Calculating (string) Welcome Home + (string) Brittney >> (string) Welcome Home Brittney
+2963ms ║║Executed physical command [Echo - Living Room].playText([Welcome Home Brittney]) (2757ms)
+2964ms ║║Executed [Echo - Living Room].playText (2759ms)
+2967ms ║║Cancelling statement #2’s schedules…
+2975ms ║║Calculating (string) Front Door unlocked by + (string) Brittney >> (string) Front Door unlocked by Brittney
+2981ms ║║Executed virtual command sendNotification (4ms)
+2989ms ║║Calculating (string) Front Door unlocked by + (string) Brittney >> (string) Front Door unlocked by Brittney
+3011ms ║║Executed virtual command sendSMSNotification (16ms)
+3020ms ║║Comparison (enum) unlocked gets (string) unlocked = false (1ms)
+3022ms ║║Condition #37 evaluated false (7ms)
+3024ms ║║Condition group #36 evaluated false (state did not change) (8ms)
+3026ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (2947ms)
+3028ms ╚Event processed successfully (3029ms)


Often times with Smart Door Locks, there is only one “brain” for both the inside and outside panels.
(meaning SmartThings only sees one device)

Unless your device differentiates between the two panels, you will have to really complexify this piston checking inside motion sensors or some other method to try to determine if anyone is home at the time


I have a kwikset 910. I guess if I could try and set an IF any light is on than it won’t notify me. That might work. Would I put this at the top of my piston. IF contact sensor and no lights on???


If the only thing you want to block is notifications, then you can add a small conditional IF to surround your current “Send Notification …” commands.

If you want to block the entire piston, then that conditional IF can be up top


Just weird info.

When I used “user lock manager”. It would notify me when user code unlocked door. It also could notify me door was locked.


I don’t want the whole piston to run.

If my wife goes to the gym at 5am and unlocked the door from inside than I don’t want the piston to go off. If she comes back at 6:15am than I want the piston to go off.

I hope I am making sense.