Am I doing this corectly


1) Give a description of the problem
Don’t know how I added the EVERY TIMER to top of script. I just did it by playing around with keyboard. If I can move the EVERY END to bottom of script is that where it needs to be? Or is it OK to leave it where it is? Does it look like it will accomplish what I’m trying to do?

2) What is the expected behaviour?
When the weather predicts SNOW or ICE I want to turn on my heating mats and turn them OFF if not forecasted. Any advice?

3) What is happening/not happening?
Don’t know how to test

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

Sure wish there was insert line for webcore


General rule for any piston is that when it executes it will run top to bottom. One exception to that rule is with an Every block. When a Every timer executes, it only executes what’s inside the Every block and nothing else (regardless of where it is in the piston-top or bottom).

I would recommend moving your IF inside of the every block and it should work.

Also, the command “Set switch to on/off” isn’t always reliable, I typically use “turn on/off” but if it works with your switches then no harm, no foul.


Better now?


That should work.

You might also want to review some of the the examples in the wiki in regards to the weather information. I believe contains() is case sensitive so either match to the examples or embed the lower() function to remove any case issues.

contains($twcweather.conditions.wxPhraseMedium, “Cloudy”)
contains(lower($twcweather.conditions.wxPhraseMedium), “cloudy”)