Just testing this out and seems to be working well, thanks for your help!
But I can’t understand the santex for the announce in order to change it to my liking if i wanted to so something like this for arive how would i do it?
Welcome home ($name or $name and $name), ($name or $name and $name) (is or are) in the house! woop woop, woop woop!
from this:
(whoI == 1 ? ‘Welcome home ’ : ‘’) + (i > 0 ? left(who[whoI], i) + ’ and ’ + right(who[whoI], length(who[whoI]) - i - 2) : who[whoI]) + (whoI == 2 ? ’ has left the building!’ : ‘’)
Was thinking once i understood it would it be possible if it was set to on events from current place. you could announce when the person left and when they arrived at a new place?