Yes, I’ve seen this suggestion while browsing related topics, but I tried it and it does not work, and I’ve seen others reply that it doesn’t work for them either. To be specific, I’m using an Amcrest IP2M-841 w/ software version 2.520.AC00.18.R, Build Date: 2017-06-29. It appears that it does not accept user= and pw= in the query string.
I believe this is an issue of basic vs digest authentication. I don’t claim to know much about this, but I’ve seen others comment on this, especially that newer versions of Amcrest IP camera software disabled basic authentication and digest must be used. I’ve also seen in Chrome and Postman that they’re using digest authentication when talking to this camera.
So, the question becomes, why is webCoRE/ST able to send the request (w/ http://user:pass@) successfully to this camera if I use an external address/port (where it MUST be using digest authentication), but not successful (i.e., causing a 408 timeout) if I use an internal IP address?
I’ve browsed the webCoRE code a little, and clearly there is different code for sending external and internal web requests. Is there something different in these two paths that can explain this behavior? (Who is responsible for this part of webCoRE? Can someone check with that person?)
Also, I’ve seen the suggestion to disable login in the camera for LAN accesses, which has apparently worked for other people using other IP cameras. However, this Amcrest camera with this version of software only provides a check box for “anonymous login”, and although that does allow access without a login, in that case it limits that access to only previewing the video. Or to put that another way, it does not allow the types of accesses I’m trying to do (e.g., PTZ, getting alarm state, etc.) So, that option won’t work for me.