Automatically ensure your Tesla stays charged at the most optimal time



My home is setup with Solar panels and connected to the grid. Unfortunately, Tesla has only got one variable for being able to start charging at a certain time which is a little light. I setup this piston to automagically charge my car using the home charger and prioritizing solar charging, then off-peak local electricity and as a last resort charging during more expensive times.

This piston utilizes the DarkSky
Tesla Connect



Nice work! I did something very similar, though I don’t have the Tesla solar tiles yet. I have a power provider called Griddy that sells power at the current wholesale rate (adjusted every five minutes), so I have the car set up to charge only when power is very cheap (usually less than 1 cent / kWh).

I’m surprised that Tesla doesn’t have an API exposed to pull the current power production of your panels so that you could use that to make these decisions on the fly rather than using illuminance. Cool solution to your problem though!