Bathroom piston help


1) Give a description of the problem
Trying to cover all the bases and make the piston more efficient. This is a half bath

2) What is the expected behavior?
I want the lights to come on when you walk in the bathroom (whether from a open or closed door state).

If you close the door immediately after coming in, fan turns on. If you leave the bathroom within I think I put 90 seconds, fan and light turn off. If you had the door closed for a while (poop), when you leave, you close the door and the fan stays on an additional 20 mins.

if you just walk in to wash your hands and leave, the light turns off fairly quickly.

The main factor here is that I am using some motion detectors that detect motion once, and then go to sleep for 3 minutes (trying to sort out that issue, or get new ones, any suggestions would be great, under $25 a piece)

So, I am only using the motion detection for the initial entry.

3) What is happening/not happening?
Haven’t yet tested it to be honest

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)


did you need any help with this piston or just need to test it at this point? :slight_smile:

many motion sensors do this. is that timeout interfering with the logic, is that why you want to change it? you also have a contact sensor on the door, couldnt you adjust the logic to use the contact sensor in combination with the motion sensor and still get the expected behavior?


the problem is the motion sensor will only sense motion every 3 minutes. so if you go in, and leave within 3 minutes, the motion sensor doesn’t even know you left. as far as the sensor is concerned, 5 seconds after you walked in it went inactive for the next 2m55s.

I’m trying to optimize the system without using the motion sensor, because quite frankly it’s a POS and I’m going to return it this week.


I just want people to look it over and see how I can further optimize it. but for optimization purposes, assume the motion sensor is used for one thing only right now: recognize you walked in if the door was already open. that’s it. after that assume it’s dead. because it’s a POS


got it. you could use the motion sensor to turn on the light, then after 90 seconds switch off the light unless the door is closed.

some motion sensors have the option of turning on test mode, where the blind window is only 10 or 15 seconds. some of the motion sensors i use i keep them set to test mode for this reason. have you checked if the brand you have supports this?


There are no buttons… Can you tell me ? It’s a Bosch this one in the thread here


ahh, ok. i use the ecolink ones which supports setting it to test mode through use of jumpers located next to the battery slot. in this mode they detect motion every 15 secs which works for the locations they are in.


And they detect constant motion or only a single motion every 15 seconds? Either way that works for me.

Is there any jumper on these tht I have?


the motion blind window is roughly between 10 & 15 seconds. dont believe any of the current ST motion sensors do continuous motion like commercial high end security motion sensors.

sorry, dont know. just try opening it up if you can do it without cracking :slight_smile:


I’ll try. I may get the xiaomi ones. They’re cheap and according to the ST forums they’re great.

Anyone have any experience?


i have those in certain locations. i dont know if anything has changed recently, but mine have a 1 minute blind window.


Is it enough to deal with occupancy? Because 3 minutes was not doable. 1 minute may be


here is my motion sensor strategy:

  1. aeon multi-sensors that run on power. these primarily control security and have a blind window setting of 10 seconds. these also have other secondary uses.
  2. ecolink motion sensors set to test mode. these primarily control room devices if the room does not already have a multi-sensor that runs on power and has a blind window setting of 15 seconds.
  3. xiaomi motion sensors for non-critical areas. like the upstairs landing lights uses one of these. when there is motion these lights turn on for 5 mins before 10pm if they were off and 3 mins after midnight. that works out well since these have a blind window of 1 minute.

gave a detailed response so you can use this as part of the data in deciding what motion sensors to use and where and how you want to use them. no 2 setup is exactly the same so you will have to decide what may or may not work in your setup. :slight_smile:

please dont hesitate to ask other questions, happy to provide more details if that helps.

a small request, when replying please reply using button #1. that notifies users that there is a response to their post. using button #2 does not unless the user changes the settings for that thread. or may be you are already using button #1 to reply and the notifications are broken. :slight_smile:


Ah HAH! Thanks so much. Yeah I think I will use a few of the ecolinks for more high traffic areas (particularly the cancellation ones) and the xiaomis for other stuff.

Ok so not to hijack the thread but here’s a question:

How would I achieve a diy ecobee system. Here’s what I’m thinking: I want the home temp to be 75 for cooking 68 for heating let’s say, currently i store that in a global variable.

I want to avg( all the occupied rooms, and set the heater/ac to set temp to avgoftemps-thermostattemp+ @globaltemp

That way whatever rooms are occupied, actually get the heating or cooling they need.

I have this working in the bedroom, the problem I have is with the coding. I want it to change the ac/ heater no more than every 30 minutes, and I don’t know how to make it only avg the temps of rooms that are not vacant.

Should I make a new post? I guess since I have to ask the answer is yes. Lol I’m away from home now but I’ll make a new post soon


I use this and so far its been very effective. Just 1 door sensor + 1 smart light switch. No motion sensor


This looks and works great BUT! the one problem is that we don’t always close the doors to the bathrooms when we leave.

How can I logically adjust your piston for that?


You can add a motion sensor inside the bathroom and add a condition that
if motion stays inactive for 15min and light is on and door is open
then turn off the light
just add a timer
if light was on for 30mins and door is open
then turn off the light.