Best (only?) way to send JSON data to an API?


I’m trying to talk directly to the Philips Hue API and I have piston working but with a problem.

I’ve setup a virtual switch so when it’s turned on i’ve written to the scene and then recalled another scene. Then when it’s switched off I recall the first scene again.

The problem is for the JSON data i need to use a variable and “scene” is already used when the button turns on. Is there no way for me to send the JSON data with “scene” different for each button press? Surely I don’t need to create a separate piston for the off motion? Whenever I select “scene” as the variable for the JSON data in the web request now it selects BOTH scene variables which obviously doesn’t work.

Is there a way to add the JSON body data within the web request section without the variables? I don’t see a way to do it if so, I only see header authorisation and the variable section.


Hmm, why not add another task that sets scene variable content on button push so it will always have the right content and you can reuse the variable name?


Could you set the variable within your if statement (and set it different for each condition)?

If Switch 8 Changes to on,
  with Location
    Set scene = "xxxxxxxxxx"
if Switch 8 Changes to off,
  with Location
    Set scene = "xxxxxxxxxx"
with Location   # place this outside the two if statements
  Make PUT request to x with JSON encoded data


I’ve tried to do that but for some reason it’s not working…


I’m not familiar with the Philips API. Does the storeLightState command save to a new scene number each time?

Does the first change (Switch 8 on) work?


Neither work now i’ve used the Set variable command.

The first stores the same scene each time - none of it variable to be honest, but I don’t see I way to just hardcore the JSON form data in the web request as that would be the best way to do it. It only lets me select variables though?


Hmm, I suppose you could try a get request and encode the variables directly into the URL, but I’m guessing the API wouldn’t like that. I don’t know if a way to do that, unless you run it through something like IFTTT or nodered.


No it has to be in this format.

I just don’t understand why I can’t just input the JSON form directly in the web request. I guess the only way to do it is with two separate pistons, one for on and one for off.


Just for giggles, set the scene variable to string instead of dynamic


Hmmm doesn’t work either - really strange. I guess i’ll just split the piston into two.

Edit: Yes works fine as separate pistons.


I tried it with a mock api call and the scenes make it just fine… not sure why it’s not working for the actual hue api.




How do you get “Request Body” like that in Webcore?


That’s not from webcore, it’s a web service that mocks an api call.


Ah right yes - I mocked it all up in Insomnia on the Mac first (a similar sort of thing) and all works well - if I could just add directly JSON code to the request body it’d be easier.


Curious if you got this working? Also can you give a little more detail on the hue api? I love “living scenes” that animate the colors but hate the hue app. I have been using iConnectHue app but it doesn’t integrate with ST or Alexa.

Anyway, I have been wondering if I could “load” and run a script to the hue hub similar to iConnectHue, so webCoRE wouldn’t be continually sending messages to change colors.


I got it working by having two separate pistons - it just seems the web requests are a bit limited still bit it works.

I’m actually using Homekit to control nearly everything now and a Homebridge plugin to expose all my ST things stuff to Homekit.

Now I can do anything - create any scene I want with effects, colour loop, transition times. There’s also an iOS shortcut which will get you the CURL command to give you on/off for Living Scenes so I can even control Hue Labs stuff with Homekit and Siri now.


I have for a long tried to run a scene on Hue bridge from Webcore.
I can’t get it to work. Groups and Lights is working.
Now I have tried with your piston. That does not work either :frowning:
What do you write after /api/AuthorizedUserCode/ ???
