Can't delete or deactivate a piston


Simple piston to alert on a sensor changing state (vibration detected). Works as intended, but I needed to make a few changes in the actions. I made edits (added SMS numbers and changed duration of light flashes) and saved the changes, then resumed the piston. No change. I paused the piston, then “shook” the sensor. Piston ran (lights flashed, SMS sent, as original settings). I duplicated this piston, paused the original, made test changes, resumed. Old settings still active. Paused ALL pistons. Still activates on senor change. As if changes are not getting registered on the Dashboard, and the piston CANNOT be paused or deleted. All this was done on the webpage, so I tried the same from my SmartThings->WebCORE->Dashboard app on phone, same result (meaning all pistons are listed as paused, but the action(s) still run on sensor activation). Deleted all versions that had this sensor/actions, still active. At my wits end here…

The piston should stop (pause) when the Dashboard indicates it is PAUSED, so when the sensor detects a change, nothing happens. OR changes in the piston are registered and now act according to the edited version. How do I remove this piston altogether??


if ST…
IDE > locations > smartapps > click edit at the top of the screen, find your piston, delete it, click done at top of screen


I’m having the same problem. I didn’t know about this back route - thanks for that! However, in my case I still can’t delete the miscreant piston. I get an error “There was an error uninstalling your SmartApp”. Is there any way of digging even deeper to uninstall a recalcitrant piston?