Can't Load Dashboard - Critical CoRe Update AVailable


1) Give a description of the problem
Whenever I try to load the dashboard from my phone I am given an error stating “There is a critical CoRE update available (v0.3.16e.20171219)” but I don’t have any way to install said update. I can’t get to my dashboard on the web because I can’t get a registration code either. I’m just stuff with hitting the “Done” button at the top of the page

2) What is the expected behaviour?
I would like to install said update or progress past this error page

3) What is happening/not happening?
I am unable to proceed to my dashboard


CoRE and webCoRE are two different pieces of software.

For example, the Dashboard is only available in webCoRE, so updating CoRE will not help.

Did you go thru the long process of installing webCoRE?
(or are you only using CoRE?)


Can you post screenshots of what you are seeing?