I have a project where I’d like to automate changing the polling rate of my Aeotec Smart Switch 7, Z-Wave Plus S2 Wireless Control Socket Zwave Plug for Home Automation, 15A, Gen7, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PKLBKW4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_S31X1ET6SJE5BTH3X8BJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Sounds dumb? Stay with me. I had been seeing the commands for adjusting the polling rate in webcore as I was doing other things. I never paid enough attention to realize that this functionality could’ve been specific to any of my devices.
For my washing machine cycle notifications, i use the above plug to monitor power. Unfortunately, the only way to get relevant and useful information out of it is by polling faster. But I dont want to poll faster all the time. So because I saw poll adjustment in webcore, I got this idea but ran into some barriers.
First, apparently the change poll interval command that i was seeing in webcore was part of custom functionality that’s built into my lighting drivers. When i build a piston to try to change the polling on the aeotec plug, its not an available command.
Ok, i can take a hint; this functionality will be available for my lights via webcore because the functionality is customized, but how can i go about automating the poll interval of my washer power monitor say either after the power increases from zero and/or washer contact door closes?
Temporarily, I’m polling it every 30 seconds. Which to do that around the clock is taxing on the hub. I just want to narrow increased polling to specific times and automate that transition, but I can’t find the tools to do it in webcore.
Can someone get the crayons for me, please?