Conditional Expression


When my wife or I leave the house, I have piston that sends a SMS notifying if one of the cameras is not on, the door is not locked and a list of matching device for any doors that are not closed. Normally as all the doors are typically closed, I get a message: Door open: Empty Device List, Lock:Locked.

Is there away to have a conditional Expression so I only get a value if a door is open or the lock is unlocked?

I am using, "Doors Open: {Door_open}, Shop is: “[Shop lock:lock]”


Try this in an expression box…

count(Doors_open) > 0 ? "Doors Open: " Doors_open ", " "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock] : "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]


Eiber that works great! I tried to then add the Camera off in the same manner but does not seem to work.


count(Doors_open) > 0 ? "Doors Open: " Doors_open ", "
count(Camera_off) > 0 ? "Cameras Off: " Camera_off ", "
"Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock] : "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]

I obviously do not fully understand the syntax.



I’m on mobile right now but the basic syntax is;

condition ? value_when_true : value_when_false

And yes it can be nested… it helps to build it on notepad or notepad++ for easier viewing


Thanks again. I can get it to work with open conditional statement for either the Door, Camera, Lights etc. But when I try to put two of them in the expression no dice, I have tried about 40 combinations but have not hit the magic combination.

count(Light_on) > 0 ? "Lights On: " Light_on
count(Closed_door) >0 ? "Doors Open: " Closed_door

"Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock] : "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]


condition ? value_when_true : value_when_false

You are missing the colon value_when_false at the end of each statement

If you want no data passed upon failures, you can add this to the end of each statement:
: ""

You can learn more about Ternary operators here

You can learn more about Functions here.


I must be daft, can make the one statement work, but not if put colon after if true with or :”” or if I have both the light and door statement. See below

count(Light_on) > 0 ? "Lights On " Light_on : “”
count(Door_open) >0? “Door is open” Door_open :””
"Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock] : "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]

But this works with only the door condition or only the light condition as below:

count(Light_on) > 0 ? "Lights On " Light_on

"Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock] : "Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]

The expression above works fine for lights and locks, but when I add another count condition statement as in my 1st example it does not. I keep trying different combinations without success.


What’s the end result you’re looking for? Name of open contacts (if any) I get that one, shop lock status… what about the camera?


It think what you are looking for is something like this:

           this colon is just text--v                    v--this colon is expression syntax
(count(Doors_open) > 0 ? "Doors Open: " Doors_open ","   : "" )
(count(Camera_off)  > 0 ? "Cameras Off: " Camaras_off "," : "" )
"Shop is: " [Shop lock :lock]         <-- don't need expression here if you always want status

Hope this helps.


Sometimes a visual helps. Here is a nested expression from one of my weather pistons.


It is all one line, but I show it here split to make it easier to follow.

Basically, this says:
If the variable {wuCurrent} contains “Snow”, then set variable {rain} to 90
If that is false, then
If the variable {wuCurrent} contains “Hail”, then set variable {rain} to 80
If that is false, then
If the variable {wuCurrent} contains “Thunderstorm”, then set variable {rain} to 70
… etc …
If that is false, then
If the variable {wuCurrent} contains “Cloud”, then set variable {rain} to 5
If that last one is false, it means that everything is false, then
set variable {rain} to 0. (shown highlighted)

Notice the 9 extra closing parenthesis at the very end.


guxdude and WCmore, Thank you both. quxdudude your example allowed me to better understand and has everything work perfectly. WCmore, your comment will help on some other pistons that I have. The more I have learned to more I can learn. Thanks again


I’m trying to condense a huge location piston into fewer lines. Would it be possible to have Webcore look for multiple expressions amongst multiple devices? I get an error when I tried this. I’m trying to see if any of my Life360 devices change their address1 setting to a particular location.

Or might this work better (I don’t want to have to drive around to test it.)


The syntax for “Contains” is:
boolean contains(string haystack, string needle)

Your first picture above only mentions the ‘needle’, but you also need to tell webCoRE which ‘haystack’ to check.

In my earlier example, this snippet:
will look at my variable {wuCurrent}, and if it contains the word “Snow” then it uses 90… Else, it moves on to the next line.

What I usually do is, gather data the normal way, and store it inside a variable… Then I use “Contains” to see if that variable contains X.


Well, this may all be for naught, because I can’t figure out how to pull address1 from the selected device. I have to specify the specific device to access that setting from the pulldown. Going under $currentEventDevice doesn’t have that option. There’s a Location option, but I’ll have to drive around to see if that works. Bummer… :frowning:


Well, in your case, when Susie arrives at “School”, a piston can store the word “School” into a variable… Then, you can use “Contains” to see if that word is stored in the variable.


One would hope…there’s got to be a better way to write this piston, lol


Sorry I cannot be more helpful in a public forum… When it comes to “Presence”, I know how much work is involved, so I usually reserve “Presence pistons” for paying clients.

I hope you can understand.


No, that’s cool…and a neat way to make some money (how many clients do you have?) I am sending you a PM, however. :wink:


Message received… I will respond in about 18 hours…


PM sent