Countdown to NFL kickoff


Hey all,

Season kickoff is at our doors and I figured there was Football fans around here :nerd_face:

I decided to start an image countdown as we do on another board (operationsports)

There’s is eleven day remaining toward day zero. Yesterday I would have posted an image of my favourite player

But since we need number 11 today, here we go :

Up to you, post your favourite players wearing the jersey representing the amount of days remaining before kickoff.

@ady624 Afterthought… Maybe this thread will be helpful for you? :wink:




Chiiiiieeeeeefs kingdom!! OooooooOooooooooOOOOOOOhhhhhh woooooaaaahhhhhhhh oooooOoooohhh


Chiefs are going to play the Pats on their first game. Go Pats?! :wink:

So how would you guys see this? What is it that you need? Know the day the fav team has a game? Or live goals too? Live gools may not work good due to delays in polling events…


I’d certainly use the following, if available by the data provider:

-team schedule
-weekly matchups
-broadcaster information (which channel)
-post game scores
-individual/team stats
-injury alert
-transaction/waiver alert

That’s what comes on top of my head. I foresee a shit ton of pistons using this API :relaxed:

As for live scores, I personally wouldn’t use it.

May I suggest however to have a customized data polling schedule? I.e poll a lot less often during the week and a lot more often during the games. You’d save poll counts while providing fresh info at the right time.

Thanks a lot, this really is my pet projet.



Nice choice @Kebel871! Tom friggen Brady rules! It’s going to be tougher this season though without Edelman.


What happened to 9, 8, 7, 6, 5? Errr…


If Gronk can stay healthy and with the addition of Brandon Cooks, we should be fine. It’s sad to Julian tho… he’s a warrior!


Got busy and wanted to give you guys the chance to participate::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

"eid":"201 7102903",
"year ":2017,
"season_ty pe":"PRE",
"201711190 9":{
"wd ay":"Sun",
" month":9,
"gameke y":"57190",
"wee k":4,
"time":"8:2 5",
"away":" NYG",
"me ridiem":"PM",
"day":1 7
"hom e":"MIA",
"eid":"2 017091705",
"ye ar":2017,
"seaso n_type":"REG",

New England Patriots :smiley:


I don’t know why but that blue screen reminds me Windows 3.1… aaaaahhhh, the good old days :smile:

What’s even better is what is written on the screen :football:


Ok, so far I have these pieces:

  1. list of teams (duh)
  2. list of all games in preseason, regular, and postseason (updates weekly on Sunday at 11:55pm), as game schedules get added or change)
  3. list of all games today (updates daily at midnight)
  4. list of all teams’ games (updates daily at midnight)
  5. list of all teams’ games today (updates daily at midnight)

Will work on live updates and events - have to build a mechanism to push events to “subscribing” pistons - scores update every 15 seconds.

Now, what do you guys see as useful capabilities?


that’s my favorite linux editor: midnight commander - resembles the Norton Commander on DOS, yeah - maybe that’s why I love it :smiley: I prefer it to vim and nano because it remembers the last edit position when I reopen the files. Awesome when switching from file to file.


Depending on what is available, here’s what I’d find the most useful :


Unless that has changed since the screen shot above you might want to change LA to LAR and SD to LAC…

Also, I strongly suggest you don’t try to do the same with college football even if people ask - with all the team/division changes they do every year that is much more painful than the NFL (I write this little widget for the macOS Dashboard so I know…). Are you generating that JSON are you you getting it in that form? The source data my widget uses is a lot more messy!


So I see the following capabilities and I’ll try to fill in all of them, but not promising anything - the triggers are the most complicated and will be done LAST.


  • team has active game
  • team next game’s datetime (should return NOW if team is playing?)
  • team’s current game opponent
  • team’s current game score


  • team has game today?


  • team’s game started
  • team scored (yey)
  • team’s game’s score changed
  • team’s game ended
  • team won game
  • team lost game

For the expressions, I’m thinking of providing the $nfl composite variable, where you can do:

$ << list of all games
$nfl..playing < true when game is active?
$ (data will be one of home, away, home_score, away_score, etc.)
$nfl..nextGame < date/time of next game?

etc. still working on these specs.


LA is LA. JAC changed to JAX, SD changed to LAC, I already fixed all. I think Rams have LA, it works that way…

This is the list I get from NFL:

"full":"Minnesota Vikings",
"full":"Miami Dolphins",
"state":"Ca rolina",
"full":"Carolina Panthers",
"full":"Atlanta Falcons",
"full":"De troit Lions",
"full":"Cincinnati Bengals",
"name":"New York Jets"
"full":"Denver Broncos",
"full":"Baltimore Ravens",
"state ":"Giants",
"name":"New York Giants"
"full":"Oakland Raiders",
"full":" Tennessee Titans",
"state":"Los Angeles",
"full":"Los Angeles Rams",
"full":"Dallas Cowboys",
"state":"New England",
"full":"New England Patriots",
"full":"Seattle Seahawks",
"full":"Cleveland Browns",
"full":"Buffalo Bills",
"state":"Jacks onville",
"full":"Jacksonville Jaguars",
"full":"Chicago Bears",
"state":"Tampa Bay",
"full":"Ta mpa Bay Buccaneers",
"full":"Houston Texans",
"state":"Green Bay",
"full":"Green Bay Packers",
"full":"Washington Redskins",
"state":"Kansas City",
"full":"Kansas City Chiefs",
"full":"Philadelphia Eagles",
"full":"Pittsburgh Steelers",
"name":"Steeler s"
"state":"New Orleans",
"full":"New Orleans Saints",
"state":"Los Angeles",
"full":"Los Angeles Chargers",
"IN D":{
"full":"Indianapolis Colts",
"full":"Arizona Cardinals",
"state":"San Francisco",
"full":"San Francisco 49ers",


I’m using the nomenclature that CBS Sports uses - they use LAR for the Rams: