Dashboard apps that can run WebCoRE pistons?


Is there a dashboard app that can activate webcore pistons? Ultimately I’m trying to move all my scenes into pistons, but there’s not an easy way to activate pistons from my phone, when I want to activate one manually.

I could set up a time in ActionTiles that opens a piston’s URL, but the problem is, it always opens a browser window or a pop up, which then requires me to close it, which is ugly. I tried using Tasker to set up a widget
which browses to the URL, then uses the AutoInput plugin to close the browser window afterwards, but that’s proving to be flaky and only works about half the time, unless I program some obnoxious wait times between simulated “clicks”. Is there any other way to reliably suppress the window?

I’m also aware of HousePanel, however I’m finding the 3 installation options (web server, dedicated computer on LAN, or RasPi) are over my head.

Are there any other options?


You could setup virtual switches for each scene. Then just turn them on and off


You could also trigger you pistons via routines and use the ST widgets or ActionTiles to trigger the routines.

There’s also of course the tiles you can place on the webCoRE dashboard itself, which can be accessed quickly via the webCoRE presence app.


Thank you, I’ll try those suggestions. “ST Widgets”, not sure if you meant SharpTools or SmartThings, but either one would work. I really like the this idea because there’s no waiting for the widgets to load, unlike the webcore dashboard.

What is the “webcore presence app” ? Is that separate from regular webcore app? I was looking at it last night, and while it works, it could use some polishing and usability enhancements. (I’m sure it will get there, I don’t mean to knock it)


I meant the SmartThings widget… on iOS at least it’s super quick, swipe right and click.

The webCoRE presence app is a seperate mobile app for iOS or Android… allows up to 10 locations with inner and outer radiuses, plus provides extra data like speed, direction of travel, altitude, coordinates, current place, last place…


WebCoRE is sophisticated, so yeah, it’s got a lot of functions which make it a bit tricky for newbs, but nothing a few hours hours of tinkering and posting questions on the webCoRE forum can’t solve.

The UI is undergoing some private tweaks and testing right now and will be improved over time… priority was to get it working and bug free before making it look good as well.