Deggress outside


Hi, im new at webcore and trying my best.
But i need some help.
I have a multisensor on the front door.
My purpose with it is that if the door hs been open for X minutes and the twmp outside i below X i want a push.

How can i use the current temp outside without a sensor?! Is it even possible?!

Can i use a wether service somehow



ST subscribes to TWC data which webcore is able to access directly via the following expression:

IF 	door stays open x minutes
	$twcweather.conditions.temperature is below Y
		Do Stuff

More TWC weather related info is available on the wiki


Thanks to both of you - was wondering the same thing.


Didnt manage to do this. Any example?!


Simple example below, note that $twcweather returns units based on your ST location so make sure you set the value appropriately (41°F vs 5°C for example).