Delay entry beep


1) Give a description of the problem
On entry I need to leave my door constantly open to trigger the loop

2) What is the expected behavior?
If the doors opened when the smart home statue is set to armed away, do the loop.

3) What is happening/not happening?
On entry I need to leave my door constantly open to trigger the loop

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston


Closing the door will cause your IF to evaluate as false, which is why you have to keep the door open for it to work. Try “Contact Sensor contact changes to open”.


Hello, I have tried “Contact Sensor contact changes to open”, but I still need to leave the door open to enter in the loop instruction.


Ok. So the next thing that hits me is the Task Cancellation Policy. Maybe set it to “Never Cancel” for at least the Do with the delay in it.


Maybe try something like this? This way your door can remain open or closed and it will keep counting up until you disarm. I don’t have a push button so I used log to console to test it


That works! Thank you


Which worked? I’m also having trouble with loops.