Deleted Hue Bridge and Lights, but they still show up in Webcore


1) Give a description of the problem
I am trying to migrate my Hue lights from V2 to V3 hub. I deleted the Hue Bridge, but the lights didn’t delete from SmartThings. I deleted all of the lights from the SmartThings app. Unfortunately, this did not delete them from WebCore, as I expected it to. I deleted them from the WebCore devices in the SmartThings App. However, according to the IDE, they are still listed in the WebCore cache. Now I’ve tried to delete all references to them in WebCore pistons. However, the last piston that references the deleted lights won’t delete or edit. So, I can’t get these deleted lights out of the WebCore cache, even though they aren’t in my SmartThings app any more.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
I had expected that when I delete devices, they will delete from the WebCore cache. That’s always been the case when I deleted old Z-wave switches that I had to replace. However, deleting Hue lights doesn’t seem to work that way. Instead, they stay stuck in the WebCore cache

3) What is happening/not happening?
I can’t delete the Webcore piston that references the deleted Hue light.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full

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