Determine if a device input was changed manually vs via Zwave command


What is the WebCore command/parameter that allows to retrieve information regarding how a device input was changed, that is physically by the user interacting with the device vs via a Zwave/ZigBee command?

Looking at my event log on HE, I noticed that my thermostat (Honeywell T6) reports that info. The column header in the log is called “Type” et contains “physical” when the user physically interacted with the thermostat.



When adding your trigger, there is a option for interaction. Physical or Programmatic.

The key is that your device must support such function (not all do) but it sounds like yours may.


Great! Thanks for the feedback.


I’m not seeing that option, but the events log for my thermostat lists the Setpoint change as physical or digital, so it looks it is supported. What is the name of this capability, as it may just be a matter of adding it to the driver?