Determining Presence when using Second Place


1) Give a description of the problem
I am not able to determine presence when I am using my second place. I can tell when I first get there as currentplace changes. Presence does not change at the second place. It stays “Not Present”. I have tested “Arriving at Place” & “Leaving Place”, with options Changes to, Changes Away From, Is, Was, etc. Nothing works.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
I want to know my presence at a second Place once I have established it as my currentplace. What test will work to determine presence at a second Place once I am there?

3) What is happening/not happening?
Nothing is happening in my tests once the second location is my currentplace.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]


Are arrivingatplace and leavingplace triggers or conditions? They are listed separately in WC when constructing the if statement, you should also see a lightning bolt symbol next to them in the piston if they will trigger the piston.


I am pretty new to webcore, so I am not sure I follow what you are asking. The Status does show active and humming properly. For previous pistons, this area has told me if the piston will never be run, so I think the logic is ok.


He is talking about the lightning bolt to the left of your IF statement. The lightning bolt signifies a trigger for the piston. Did you just cut that part off from the piston photo you posted?


Thank you. Both if statements have lightning bolts.


I dont this the “is” is a trigger. If there are no other triggers in a pistons WC will try to use an if statement as a trigger. I’m not sure how/if that works.

If you look at pantheons piston it uses “changes” which is a trigger. Can you place an if around your existing ifs to trigger ie.
if dans phone’s location changes
if …
if …


Paul, thank you for the response. I did set up a piston with a trigger for location changing. The problem I ran into was to determine if I was arrinving or leaving. Since Presence does not change on a second place, I dropped that approach and have been trying this one. With more testing, I do have the leavingplace section working now. I get the message my phone has left. I need to determine how to test for arrival at a second place correctly once I have established this location as the currentplace.


Have a look at this piston, written by one of the WC gurus, it works with the built in webcore precedes sensor.
Sorry I can’t paste an image, the ipad wont allow it for some reason, but if you create a piston using this backup code, you’ll get the piston “4nt34”

You can get yourself some good exercise testing location pistons!