Echo alarm clock


I just discovered this thread. I’ve got a working Echo Speaks alarm with GCal events script if anyone wants it. Notes:

  • Change Contact Sensor 20 and the GCal event name in timeAlarm/dateAlarm variables to be the same, and match your GCal device name
  • Switch 48 is a virtual switch (‘Sleep In Toggle’) to override setting the alarm automatically
  • Music Player 4 is your Echo
  • @HolidayTodayIsFederal comes from @JimmyS 's holiday scripts at U.S. Holiday detection pistons


My script posted above is now failing as well. There is an issue open here: . It seems it stopped working with this commit I believe,, or maybe in this PR, . Since I’m not a Groovy or Alexa developer I’m not sure how to debug. Maybe some @webCoRE_Minions can help @tonesto7 debug?

ST log errors look like:

28ba91a9-7824-45f3-b2f5-3c38cccc4d33 6:05:32 PM: error Echo (v3.4.0.0) | CreateAlarm Response Exception | Status: (500) | Msg: Internal Server Error
28ba91a9-7824-45f3-b2f5-3c38cccc4d33 6:05:32 PM: debug params: [type:Alarm, status:ON, alarmTime:1580259992500, createdDate:1580259932500, originalTime:05:45.00.000, originalDate:2020-01-29, timeZoneId:null, reminderIndex:null, sound:null, deviceSerialNumber:G0911B0592560922, deviceType:A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO, recurrenceEligibility:false, alarmLabel:2020-01-29, reminderLabel:null, reminderSubLabel:Echo Speaks, timerLabel:null, skillInfo:null, isSaveInFlight:true, triggerTime:0, id:createAlarm, isRecurring:false, remainingDuration:0, rRuleData:null, recurringPattern:null]
28ba91a9-7824-45f3-b2f5-3c38cccc4d33 6:05:32 PM: debug rule: [data:null, pattern:null]
28ba91a9-7824-45f3-b2f5-3c38cccc4d33 6:05:32 PM: debug transormRecurString(type: null, opt: null, time: 05:45,date: 2020-01-29)
28ba91a9-7824-45f3-b2f5-3c38cccc4d33 6:05:32 PM: trace createdNotification params: [cmdType:CreateAlarm, label:2020-01-29, date:2020-01-29, time:05:45, type:Alarm]


The Tomcat related error shown in those logs looks like the same one that was taking out webCoRE (and a few other things) two or three weeks ago.