I’ve got ES up and working to speak text and play commercial songs in my Amazon account, but I want to be able to play a sound effect or 2 for fun. Like when the garage door opens I play a Star Trek turbolift door open. Currently I’m doing that via an always on old Windows tablet connected by BT to a Dot using VLC Thing. It generally works, but being Windows it’s not the most reliable thing. Too many things can and do go wrong, and I don’t really want to have a tablet connected just to play a sound effect now that ES can speak text. I’m hoping for less technology hops from webcore to Alexa. Ideally what I’d like to do is be able to upload a few sound effects to onedrive, google drive, or some other clould service that I could then ask Alexa to play using searchMusic or some other method.
I’m not sure what CLOUDPLAYER is below as a providerID in searchMusic of Echo Speaks:
searchMusic(String searchPhrase, String providerId)
Used to play music from the desired music provider
Accepted Parameters:
SearchPhrase (String): “thriller” * providerId (String): “AMAZON_MUSIC”
Example Usage: searchMusic(“thriller”, “AMAZON_MUSIC”)
Thanks for the suggestions.