Error logging into webCoRE from PC browser


Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I didn’t see a topic for troubleshooting.

Not sure if this is related to my issue or not so I want to address it first…I’ve had multiple webcore installations for a while now but thought nothing of it since everything was working normally. I was just trying to add a piston on my phone browser when it said to update my app, so I logged into the IDE and updated from repo. The updates were in the obsolete section but I executed and published anyway even though I don’t know which installation was updated.

Then I decided to log into webcore on my computer browser to add my new piston because it’s just easier for me on a bigger screen. That’s when I got stuck in a continuous loop of having to register my browser and log in only to be greeted with the error “Problem loading the dashboard data.”

The weird thing is that I can still access my pistons on my phone browser. I always keep a webcore tab open on my phone so now I’m scared to close it since I might lose access to it altogether.

Here’s what my IDE looks like:

Here’s what the logs show while I am registering the browser and trying to log in:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


My guess is that the three apps in red and the one in green are the original installs since the first one has OAuth set to true which indicates it was the first install.

I suggestion you click on the magnifying glass next to the name of each of the red ones and choose overwrite local copy and save. Then publish each one again. On the green one click on the second icon from the left and go to Source Code Options and select the repository for it and click Update at the bottom of the screen. Then update that code as well.

Then see if you can login. If not go to the st app > Automation > your instance of webcore > Settings > clean up and rebuild data cache. Then test login. If it still fails, try a different browser to login.

If you are able to login, let us know and we can work to get rid of the duplicate installations in IDE.


That did the trick, now I can log in from the PC. Thank you!

This is what it looks like now:


If you want to attempt removing the extra ones, click on the second icon next to the apps on each of the duplicates and click delete. Pretty sure it is the second listing of each app so the apps on lines 2,4,6 and 8


I was only able to delete one of the Piston installations.

When I try to delete webcore I get a 500 Internal Server Error

When I try to delete the Dashboard it says “This SmartApp can’t be deleted at this time because it is installed by one or more users.”

When I try to delete the Storage it gives the same error but sometimes it will say Access denied, you don’t have authorization.


If you are OK with the way it is, just let it stay as it is. Otherwise, one of the @webCoRE_Minions might be able to assist you.


The 500 error is a cookie conflict with the webCoRE dashboard.

Try opening the ST IDE using a different browser or in private mode, delete the webCoRE app, then delete the other duplicate apps.


I tried doing it in a private window and in another browser but I still get the same error.


I’d like to get rid of the duplicates so that I don’t run into any other issues later. Not even sure how I ended up with multiple installations in the first place. I thought that was just the way it was supposed to be.


That’s odd… I’ve only ever seen the 500 error due to the cookie problem.

Lets try something else:

Suggest you make sure you have downloaded a fresh copy of your webCoRE backup before proceeding, just in case you delete the wrong thing.

In the IDE -

  1. Go to ‘my locations’
  2. Click on the name of your location
  3. Scroll down and click on ‘List SmartApps’
  4. Click ‘edit’ near the top right
  5. Scroll down and find the duplicate version of ‘webCoRE (dev)’
  6. Click delete

Note - If any are present, you may need to delete stranded pistons listed below the duplicate version of webCoRE before deleting webCoRE. Hence my suggestion of making a backup in case you delete shared components.


You mean to backup the pistons, correct? I downloaded that file earlier before I started messing with this within webcore on my phone. Hopefully that’s the on you’re referring to.

The 2 apps I see that are related to webcore have different names for some reason. Any idea which one to delete?



Actually I just noticed that those 2 are located within another single webcore app

I see no other instance of webcore besides this one


I was hoping you would have another primary instance of webCoRE there… the two nested within are normal and required.

Go back to ‘My SmartApps’ and change the name of the extra version of webCoRE code:

/*** webCoRE DEFINITION														***/
private static String handle() { return "webCoRE" }

Change ‘webCoRE’ to anything you like, save and publish.

Then return to ‘installed SmartApps’ and see if the name has changed there… just want to see if it’s somehow linked.


Changed webCoRE to “secondapp” and this is what shows now:

Nothing seems to change in installed smartapps

Also still get the same error when I try to delete it


well, at least we now know it’s completely un-linked from your primary install.

Perhaps delete the entire code content of ‘second app’ (so the code is just a blank page), save, publish, then try to delete it.


I deleted all of the code, saved, and published multiple times but the code somehow magically reappears soon after I try to delete it lol.


Ok… I’m stumped then lol

Suggest you rename all offending apps ‘delete me 1’ / ‘delete me 2’ etc. and then email support asking them to delete those apps.

I’ve heard of rogue apps like this before, and support have been able to remove them.


Will do, thanks so much for your help guys. Love this community! @Robin @jkp