I was searching here and on the Hubitat site and didn’t find the exact type of thing that I was looking for. So, I am posting this step-by-step here for anyone else that may want to do the same thing. My guess is that someone will post an infinitely simpler thing that I missed in my search.
Assuming that your fuel stream is already created…
First, go to you Hubitat welcome screen…
Next, Click on Apps
Expand the WebCore App
Select the Fuel Stream that you want to export
Turn on “Use HE files for data storage”
I turned off use hub security. Maybe someone here will tell me that this is a mistake, but (1) if someone really wants to hack to see how bright it is on the side of my house, they can have at is and (2) I wasn’t sure what (if anything) hub security on this particular file added for me.
Next, turn on “convert to file storage”. The switch will click back when the conversion is done (less than a second for me).
Next, click done.
You will be taken back to your the HE view of your Apps.
Next, click settings.
Next, click File Manager. Then right click on the fuel stream that you just converted and select “copy link”
Open a new blank Excel file.
Open the Data Tab in the ribbon.
Click on New Query>From Other Sources>From Web
Past the address that you copied from HE in the box and click OK
The Data Manager will Open.
Click “To Table”
Click OK.
Click the (Right turn/Left turn) arrows icon. (I have no idea what else to call this icon.)
Click OK.
Rename the Query if you like.
Click “Close & Load”
Your data will be uploaded into a new sheet.
If you want, delete the blank sheet from your workbook by right clicking on the sheet name and selecting delete.
Changing the titles for columns A and B will be over-written upon data refresh. I label columns for date and time.
I add this formula to the date column…
=B2/(86400)/1000+25569-5/24 (-5/24 is for GMT-5 [eastern time])
I add this formula to the time column…
Optional: Select Column C and go to the home tab on the ribbon.
Optional: Use the formatting tool to select short date.
Optional: Select Column D and use the formatting tool to select “More Number Formats”
Optional: Select Time and your preferred time format.
Now comes the cool part (and by cool, I mean nerdy).
Notice that the spreadsheet is updated through 12:56PM…
Go back to the Data tab on the ribbon and select “Refresh All”
And tada! The data updates.