I am using a device variable for grouping my locks
then i am running code that will disarm my alarm on correct code entry
I want a notification to be sent to me to let me know who disarmed the system from what lock and user.
I am trying to write the expression but unsure how to do it when you are using the variable $currentEventDevice
If I specify the device by name it works
"Disarmed by: "{([Back Door Lock : lastCodeName ])}" via "$currentEventDevice
Result: Disarmed by: Albert via Back Door Lock
If I use the $currentEventDevice variable I get expression Error
"Disarmed by: "{([ $currentEventDevice : lastCodeName ])}" via "$currentEventDevice
and I need it to go off the $currentEventDevice variable so I don’t have to have a bunch of if then statements
Neverminded, the code works, it just says expression error but still works just fine.