External Tile Icons


Two related questions:

  1. The following request has been made Use Icons from a URL? .

“I don’t know if this is a crazy request or not but is it possible to allow us to somehow use icons on tiles from any URL similar to how they can be when creating handlers or SmartApps?”

Can someone confirm that it is correct that there is no way to access an external Icon via a URL.

  1. Is there a different way to bring in “foreign” icons?

I have done several searches and other than this I don’t see any similar solutions…thanks!


You currently can not use foreign icons. But there is a plethora of icons already baked in.

You have http://fontawesome.io/icons/ which are accessed by :fa-iconName: and attributes can be added like fa-spin fa-2x fa-iconName which would make the icon spin and twice the normal size. More about attributes here http://fontawesome.io/examples/

Also included are weather underground icons. Info here https://wiki.webcore.co/Weather#Weather_Icons

Lastly you can use emojis from any mobile phone or the onscreen keyboards for both Mac and Windows.


Thanks. Was afraid of that. I am building tiles to reflect the status (and maybe control) my irrigation system. Was trying to use some specific icons.


In place you could use something like [blue | :fa-2x fa-tint:] that will make a blue rain drop. And then switch the color to grey when it is off.


Thanks. I’ll do that.