First Piston - This piston does not subscribe to any events


1) Give a description of the problem
It says “This piston does not subscribe to any events. Unless executed by other means, it will never run on its own.”

2) What is the expected behavior?
I have electric water heaters set to shut off during peak times to save some $$$ using a smart app. This should turn them back on after 8pm if the other smartapp fails to run ST Smart Lighting SmartApp

3) What is happening/not happening?
I’m not sure why I am getting this error

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]

**5) Attach any logs - I dont have any



Your ONLY WHEN above is treated as a condition, not a trigger.

This should be what you want:

(I also removed your conditions from line 20 because webCoRE is smart enough to only send an ON command if the device is off at the time)

To import this piston, Just:

  • +New Piston
  • Restore a piston using a backup code
  • Use xtsp as seen in my above pic.
  • At the prompt, point it to your 3 water heaters

And don’t forget to disable (or delete) your original piston so there is no conflict.


I don’t think this does exactly what I was hoping for. What I want is a backup system so that if the smart app fails to run (maybe hub goes offline or z wave connection to the unit drops) when it comes back online it will turn the controllers back on. This may not be exactly at 8:10 pm, that is why I tried the “Time is after…” command. The times that it should always be off is M-F 3pm - 8pm and always on at all other times



I understand you better now. This should do the trick:


This piston will keep all 3 switches in the ON position from Monday at 12:01am thru Friday at 11:59pm (except for the hours you mentioned). If that is acceptable, then this should work for you.

Just be aware that you will have to be very careful that NO other piston, routine or timer ever tries to turn off any of those devices during the allocated time slots.
(or you may unintentionally create a infinite loop)

If your other programming turns off the devices at 3pm, you might want to change the time in this piston to:
Time is not between 2:59pm and 8pm

That extra minute is a safety net in case there is a few seconds difference in the time between the two apps.
(trust me, you do NOT want a loop to happen!)