For the Kids, not me


completely impractical piston for me, but kids love it.

With the push of a minimote, they get a random funny sound or clip from a movie or a tv show (or fart noise). By far my most time consuming creation yet, simply because I had to search the www for wav and mp3 url’s.


(yes I like beer and I’m verified.)

@ady624, is there a limit on big I can make this? because I plan on adding more to the variable.

Easiest way to set up echo randomly choosing a list of responses (have Echo Speaks)

Once you start getting into the upper end of the 20 chunks your chance of a successful save start dwindling.


Hmm maybe save some chunks using url shortening tools


i dont use a connected speaker. i am so tempted to freaking buy one, just so i can try this. :slight_smile:

anybody want to recommend a cheap standalone connected speaker? no ipad / laptop solution please. or alexa or home - i dont like always listening devices in the home. :slight_smile:


Here is an updated version. Added more url’s. 99% kids stuff (that I thought would entertain my kids and probably- as an unintended byproduct–decrease WAF)


most of these don’t seem to work on SONOS :frowning:


The number of links working for me has decreased as well. Maybe over time, the web addresses become obsolete or get changed?


yeah maybe, it also kept saying unsupported format which was odd. I tweaked it and put only MP3s on and theses seem to work at the moment.

the odd thing is the expression box goes crazy with this amount of stuff though i really struggled. It was as if they were all layered on top of each other?

Spotify not playing (Sonos)

Hey Steve,
I’m working on playing a sound clip upon arrival. I’m new to webcore, so I’m not quite positive how to do this. My question is, if the .mp3 I’m playing is super long, can I set a timer so that it only plays the first say 10 seconds?


Yes. Make your first action play the MP3. Then make your second action a “wait” that is 10 seconds long


Thanks! Do I do another task after the wait? Or how do I set the sonos to return to their previous state, whether that be playing the tv audio or just silent? Would I use the “refresh”, or “previous track” action?


I am not sure how to answer that. perhaps because I have a Samsung R3speaker and not a Sonos. Maybe play track and resume?


I thought maybe that, but the play track and resume asked for the track to play next before resuming. I’m thinking either refresh, or previous track. Unfortunately there’s no “resume” action.