Geofencing arrival triggers


Hello…I finally stumbled across webcore in my attempts to find a solution to my location issue. Currently, I have my geofencing setup to cover 3 streets out. I’ve tried using my phone as a presence sensor, but smartthings just takes way too long to recognize my presence. I have an automation through smartthings to open my liftmaster (via brbeard code for MyQ) garage door, unlock my basement garage door, turn on my dining room light and turn on my tv. The automation works perfectly once my location registers, but that takes forever. I read in some of the forums that webcore may help. I’ve installed webcore and added the webcore presence sensor for my phone. I’ve registered my home and work locations in webcore settings. But I can’t seem to figure out how to set it up. The closest I got was by following a previous post.(Using presence and geofence) by michicago. Can anyone please help?