A few days ago my classic Smartthings app had issues with classic smart home monitor. It would not show the three buttons to arm or disarm that system. I contacted Smartthings support and basically told me to delete the old smart app.
Fine then. I’ll just build something with webcore then! Or so I thought.
The dashboard normally shows three piston states but instead it shows the above.
I can not edit any of my existing pistons since they were all dependent on classic SHM.
Anyone else experiencing this?
UPDATE 9-8-2020
After migrating fully to the NEW Smartthings app I rebuilt my pistons from a backup. However, this “getLocationMode” issue comes back and prevents pistons from working. Dashboard can accessed but you can’t view any pistons; you just get presented an endless spinner.
Tried to use the Smartthings IDE to delete the smart app to reinstall. Things on the IDE side are ok, but when you go the the smartthings app to install it, I get a pop up saying “Something went wrong. Please try to install the SmartApp again”